Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 63 - Moving along not very nicely

Today's been a slog and this is both psychological and physiological.

Psychological - When a plane takes off you notice the difference in speed. Ditto when
it lands. When it's at cruising speed you feel... no sense of speed,
yet you are moving very fast. I think this stage of the PCP is like
that. I'm not really feeling that different day to day just because I'm in a groove now. We need this kind of time to get to our destination. Enjoy the journey, even the lows.

Physically, I talked on Skype until late to my parents. I know that this did us good, but it robbed me of some sleep. And I have started drinking diet sodas again in the last couple of weeks. Technically, we are permitted to drink them, but I never drink one and feel physically good afterwards. I think it's too do with the caffeine high and the intensity of the bubbles. When I started PCPing I made an effort to not consume Pepsi Max and I felt good. Why did I go back? It's just something I do because it makes me feel like I am doing something 'diet worthy' or hardcore. Something to ask The Men That Know.

Does anyone else out there have unhealthy things they do that they pretend are hardcore?


  1. After gone through 2 pregnancies of not having caffeine, my body is completely detoxed and 2 cups of coffee/green tee keep me wide awake.... I like soda water, so does my 4 year daughter who started drinking it at 14 months....

    BTW, I pay JPY900 for 2kg of brown rice at co-ope.

  2. I have been drinking flavored coffee. I am sure when Patrick said we could have coffee and even milk in our coffee when we off set our dairy in the mornings. Well I doubt he was talking about "chocolate donuts" flavored coffee with French Vanilla low fat creamer. Sigh..... Very not hardcore.

  3. Whoa whoa whoa, how are you technically allowed to drink them? Read that Day 8 email again!

  4. At the time I thought it was an ambiguous. I read it as your way of saying 'do your best to cut it out' and made up my own rule to just drink Pepsi max if I really was getting tired. This worked for the first 5 weeks or so. Now I'm back to my old addiction and it sucks. So it's back to instant coffee and espressos and tea. This will be hard, but I hope it will give me better tone! Gambarimasu.
