Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 66 - Capoeira, music, sushi

Here's a video from a few weeks ago - my capoeira group had an open roda in Inokashira Park. I'd committed to doing a PCP workout this day before Cacapa announced it, so I showed up briefly at the start and got in some 'upside-down-time'. I'm not in this video, but Cacapa is as well as a lot of beginners. He and his wife Cafune work really hard getting people into capoeira. You can see a lot of beginners exploring the moves in this video. As capoeira is played with traditional Brazilian music and song, you can put your soul into it. Music and movement are really hard to separate!

I'd love to know what kind of things you guys listen to while working out. I already said that I love Jango, but I forgot to mention that when you join it, you can compile your own radio stations. It's a bit like playlists, only you get music that the program predicts you will enjoy as well as the singers and songs that you specifically say you like. More random than a playlist, but more personal than radio. I'm on as Minxybrit if you want to look for me!


Yesterday's PCP report was that I had a perfect day on the workouts and even did 8-minute abs inspired by Yeeman. Lunch was eaten at the NHK canteen after my broadcast and I got sushi.

(For those living in Japan, this is probably the most expensive of the canteen offerings! I got this as it had the maximum protein)

I guessed the amount of fish with reference to a photo of 100 g. that I'd eaten on Saturday.

To get the rice, I asked the guy serving to weigh it, but he just said each piece was 20 g. I ate the negitoro (diced tuna) rolls, which may not have had exactly 20 g., but there is a point at which you have to let it go, especially when eating out. There were no veggies in this meal though, so I ate more in the evening.

My throat is a bit better, thanks for the advice to rest!

I tend to start to overdo things as soon as I feel a bit better, so I'll be taking it slowly today as its a big night tonight.


  1. Your newly developed core will do wonders for your sport.

  2. I actually looked up sushi weights online haha. Apparently 20g rice is standard for nigiri and fish is 10-15g. I took apart a piece of sushi and weighed it and it confirmed this!

  3. thanks for posting the video - i have always been fascinated with capoeira ever since I visited Salvador a few years ago, just love the combination of dance, brazilian music, martial arts - you can really let yourself go and have fun with it! No wonder you love it so much. I wonder if there's a capoeira group in HK...would be worth checking out. Also love the park surrounded by cherry blossom - just gorgeous!
    Glad you're feeling better - thanks for always been so positive and inspiring!
