Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 84 - Report for Sunday, ATM, smaller circles

Well well well. This time next week gang! Six more sleeps.

My day 83 again started at 5.30 despite staying up late till 1 am. I caught up a bit during the day before working out with Patrick.

Work out

It's impossible not to do your best when he's working so hard too. I always go faster and am less worried about doing it right. Also, having space does help with the bands...

Nutrition - Bubooo

Food was good for breakfast and dinner but I guessed the amounts for sushi at lunch. I think I was slightly under on protein and over on carbs, so I tried to adjust in the evening by eating fewer carbs in the form of a very small bagel on the way home. This backfired on me, and I fell into the same state of mind I did with the Winnie the Pooh incident. Had an extra piece of white pappy bread, 1/2 nana, yogurt. However, I did notice what was going on and pulled myself out of it.

Here's my temptation - not alcohol, not chocolate bars, not the delights of a meal out. It's the extra piece of bread/bowl of rice/stuff raided from cupboard eaten at home alone. Kind of sad that I'm not more bohemian actually.

Three learning points - 1. As Patrick said: the body ain't an ATM. Mine definitely isn't. I respond to patterns and cues to eat, rather than a given feeling of satiety. 2. Learning to recognize hunger for food from general meh (a common Sunday night feeling eh!) is vital. 3. Connected to the rhythm v. ATM thing, the body gets a new 'set point' for healthy eating. So last time the overeating was a pot of honey, a Japanese bean cake, and a lot of yogurt. This time 1/2 banana, one slice bread, 100 g. yog. So progress because I 'stopped' earlier. I'm visiting a familiar cycle and getting out of the funk faster.

Sleep... Enough said. Setting a timer for forty minutes in a station waiting room because you're too tired to go to a coffee shop and sleep = not classy, not exactly safe even in Japan. I am glad I got up early though, keeping the rhythm.

Re stats - I'm looking more toned this week, but the difference in stats from last week is negligible. Welcome to the flatlands? Or is my peak like Mount Fuji? A big circle.

Whatever gang! We've done well to come SO FAR.

Keep smiling, go into the last week strong, head up, proud.

No matter what nonsense life throws at us, do our best this week.



  1. Sleeping in a station waiting room is not good! Hope you get some good snooze tonight!

  2. We're all running on fumes at this point! Do your best and keep a sense of humor!
