Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 80 - Report for Day 79 (Weds)

Just a quick post here, as I want to look at how you guys are doing!

1. Work out

The exercises were hard work, but doable. Going a bit faster through the sets meant my muscles were still warm and it made it easier, not harder. Rope jumping...hmmm. I change my style and pattern alot to keep away the pain in my legs! According to Patrick's mail yesterday, 'less is more' re movement. The clockwatching was about 4 times on the first set, 2 on the second, and 1 on the third when I remembered I wasn't supposed to do it.

I'd say the WO was a GMA given the long day previously and the slight lack of sleep. Pat on the back there.

2. Nutrition

Some advance planning on Monday and Tuesday meant I had a  homemade bento ready before I moved from my regular office to the studio before reading the lunch time news! This is a suprising strong suite for me. Hit all my grams, no nasties.

3. Sleep - went from getting home around 10.20 ish to LO at 11.15. Saying 'no' to some time to myself was hard, but I did. And good sleep is time to myself in a way because it makes me more present when I am awake the next day. At least, that's the argument I make to my toddler mind! Got up at 6.15, so 7 hours. I could have done with more, but it was enough as I got a seat on the trains.

I enjoyed not just PCPing yesterday, but the sun, my great colleagues at my regular job and at NHK, reading the lunchtime news, and Spring in Tokyo!

Congratulations to all on reaching Day 80! This is a landmark and the 'T' minus countdown begins.


  1. I woke up to the sun shining thru my window and thought 'OMG - It's Day 80!!!!' We've come so far together and it's really the final countdown ... have mixed feelings about the end, but i'll elaborate in my blog over the weekend. have a fantastical day Helen x

  2. hey lovely lady, just checking in. rock it to the finish helen... you're doing great!

  3. It was a beautiful day in HK too! Lets hope this lasts through the weekend...
