Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 72 - Slumming it and musing on muscles

Just to have a break from the whole Japanese thing, I ate my evening snack of couscous for carbs, cherries and grapefruit, in a yogurt pot, to get a nice mix and hit some of my post workout fats.
Today was the first day in ages I didn't get the grams bang on, again, due to eating out. Had a tuna mayonnaise and prawn subway sandwich, and substituted the fat from mayo for a bit less fat in the evening.

I'm not going to miss all these micro calculations after the PCP is done. Of course, it's much easier to just eat everything at home or in a homemade bento. This evening was rainy and cold, I was getting very tired so went for a Subway as soon as I got to my home station.

Timing meals so that my body has enough time to absorb the nutrients AKA eating EARLIER is something I never really considered pre-PCP. It affects when your metabolism starts to slow down for sleep, which is vital for muscle growth.

There is a lot to learn about muscles for sure! Our mailing list is alive with conversation about this topic and I'm finding it really fascinating. My muscle definition is starting to improve, I feel more alert and present a lot of the time. Patrick has talked about 'invisible girdles'  and 'in-built wonderbras' in his videos which makes me chuckle, but it is true. I feel supported and like I can hold myself upright rather than slouching. It's energizing and empowering.

However, when muscle work is in the 'shredding' phase, I feel sore, stingy, mildly resentful. My body has got used to this cycle of feeling tired/rebuilding over the PCP and it means that I never really feel a sense of joy or happiness about it when its going well because I know what is coming. And when I'm in a shred/breakdown phase, I just focus on 'getting through' not the result.

Surely a better approach is to anticipate the increased strength when things are tough and enjoy the increased strength when it kicks in. Maybe I'll have a better mental outlook when I do my next round of training.

Anyone remember the golf clubs Patrick talked about? The mail about big and small golf clubs hooking together? Here's a video (go to the bottom of the page) of what happens when we contract a muscle. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, learning to surf the "shred" and the rebuild is the key to long term success. A lot of people give up when it hurts, not realizing that hurt is just a few days away from the ecstasy!
