Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 76 - Who said Sunday was a day of rest again?

This Sunday felt like WORK. After the glorious food of yesterday and staying up late with a movie when I really wanted to go to Roppongi to drink and revel, I just did housework, food prep, and travelled to Yokohama to train with Patrick and Paul. And I got up at 6.30 today which I don't understand!

Paul and I agree that having the chance to train with Patrick really helps. We get to learn how quickly it's possible to move through things, see some wierd and scary adaptations to moves that we just struggle through, and also get some feedback on our stats.

My stats weren't a suprise. Fat is up, muscle is down as a percentage. For this, we have to thank our friends, ghee, butter, cheese, cream cheese, bread, cake....But the good news is that the fat I put on from the curry on Saturday should go in about three days. Patrick said before I got on the scales that he'd like to see me put on some weight. This is so much not what I am used to thinking, but I'm going to trust him on this. I'm happy with how I'm looking, less happy with the tiredness.

Next week is going to be tougher (suprise!) and I need to be tanked up with sleep.

Then, the cool kindliness of sheets, that soon
Smooth away trouble; and the rough male kiss
Of blankets....
~Rupert Brooke, "The Great Lover,"

Last week I had three late nights, and I felt it today - a deep dreamless sleep on the way to Yokohama. Not a nap so much as a thwack on the head. I'm tired and there's only one thing for it. That was my Sunday, that was my Day 76.



  1. I've also been having loads of late nights recently and every time I get on
    The bus I hit snooze mode- I think we really need to get some decent 8hr zzzzz's next week as the wo's get more fierce... I think we are gonna start getting some super sets!? Whatever that means, it sounds scary. But we can do it!!! Great Job on working hard on a Sunday Helen! Youre killin it !

  2. Hey Helen, how are u doing? Sorry for being away for so long but the important is I'm back, darling! Not back in Japan unfortunately, but at least I'm back on your project blog to read and comment all the way up to end of you program. So how is capoeira training going? What about your goals? Besides feeling tired, how do you feel?
    Sorry I didn't comment your day directly, I was just to excited of being able to comment here again. :-)
    I wish that you achieve all your goals!!!

  3. A few more days of fatigue and then you'll be feeling awesome. Just in time to get broken again!

  4. Yes, Super sets, in the sense of 'Well, that's super' said through gritted teeth.
