Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 82 - Report, pink protest, wail of disappointment

Happy it's Saturday! Oh yes.

Can you guess what the pink post-it note on our 'treats tray' says? I wrote it in a moment of beatitude. Or insufferable prigg-iness. Don't spoil tomorrow's post, I'll explain all then.

We bring you Friday's report...

1. Work out

I took my phone to the park and it bleated out the old wake up alarm a couple of times because I forget to turn it off. As I stopped, I instinctively turned my hand to check the time remaining! This happened a couple of times and on the third time I stopped myself. I know it's ridiculous, but blogging does make me more aware.

The best was my V-sits, the first set executed perfectly and a shabby second and ok third.

I was giving my all especially in the creeps - nasty, nasty, nasty, wrong and evil, creeps.

2. Food

Salt in the form of lunchtime fish eaten in the restaurant downstairs and then the shredded nori that I was stuffing into my face like a hamster using just as a condiment for rice. The grams were all on. I discovered a new and ugly way to eat egg whites - blast them in microwave with milk. Boss saw me separating egg yolk from white in the shell: "Is this some kind of voodoo?"

3. Sleep

This was great - lights out at 10.15-ish and up at 5.30 am no problem. About 7 hours. I'm going to sleep at the normal time tonight and try to catch up a bit for tomorrow. I don't want to lose this rhythm because I have three late nights next week - Monday teaching until late, Tuesday teaching in Odawara, Wednesday a voice gig in Chiba!

Compared to other times of year (like June/July when I go to Hokkaido once a week!), work has been relatively friendly to PCP-ing. Not that much travelling around and only a couple or one late night a week. So why, in Week 13, do I get a hard schedule? I'm going to attack it by making sure whatever happens, rope jumping is done early, then ab work, then try to get the rest done at other times. If there is just a band exercise, that can happen in my lunch hour. No sweat. Except, there will be sweat as we are getting into summer now.


I'm feeling quite sad that I am going to miss a huge party (Kike-sensei's 40th, a gay extravaganza with gogo dancers, fancy dress, music till 3 am). Telling myself 'there will be other parties' doesn't quite cut it, but I know what I need to do to finish the PCP strong. This Saturday is going to involve some other fun things that allow me to keep the rhythm.

Keep it jammin everyone!


  1. Nice work, good V-sits means your core is really in the game now.

  2. Excellent. I love reading how intune you are and technically focused! Youll definitely be getting the most out of it and it shows in your pics. And no party, staying true to the cause, quite possible a better will power then I!

    Keep rocking Helen.

  3. hahahaha I love that voodoo comment from your boss! I am now known as the health freak in my office since everyone has seen me prepping breakfast in the pantry by now.
