Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 83 - Report for Saturday and the pink protest

Last full weekend on the PCP! Unbelievable.

Here's the reason for the pink sticker that I wrote for the 'Happy Tray'. It's a good two weeks after 'Golden Week' and the food souvenirs now and the 'souvenir' at the bottom speaks only of a journey to the Seven Eleven convenience store.

A pack of peanuts, not even half eaten. Why are they there? My guess is that the lady who bought them, who regularly treats herself to a desert each lunch time, felt that she shouldn't eat all these herself. Good for her on moderating there.

Most people feel that putting out food to share is a cosy and community spirited thing to do.  The desire to give food is instinctive to our species.

My gripe is again, this food that appears to be for sharing will not, in fact, be communally eaten. It will be snatched up, eaten on the hoof, probably individually, and almost certainly by the same individuals. I say this because I used to eat anything I saw here, just because IT WAS THERE. 

I was feeling a bit fed up with this the other day and was wondering if I could somehow change people's perception of the tray, but without being preachy. This is what I came up with.

I got this idea from Patrick's post about the 200-cal a day advice that appeared on a packet of instant matcha tea. It's a way to draw people's attention to the fact that this is FOOD, not something to put into your mouth for fun. (I am typing this with a straight face FYI). Wondered if people in the office would object, but I asked my eminent colleagues, Jonathan and Harri (a tough critic if ever there was one)...

They mulled it over.

And then Steve had a look at it. He's on the conservative side.

And they all said that it wasn't too preachy and to let it stay. So it will sit there as a helpful reminder that if you must snack, do it in moderation. Okay, it'll remind ME to snack in moderation once I'm through with all these eggs. 

Onto Saturday's report. 

Work out - Gave My All!

Up at 5.30 unbelievably. Got jumps done nicely with only one check of my watch when the alarm on the wrist watch went off. I say nicely, but I cannot jump up and down on both legs with weight evenly distributed. It's a killer. I tend to bounce my weight between the two feet. I can get to about 50 on both feet evenly. I did give my all to jumping, muscles (Planks went to one leg on the third set for about 30 sec). I also got to a 90-min beginner capoeira class in the evening. 

Keep feeling like I'm never on top of the workouts - I'm always stretched, always chasing it. The beginner's class was a good choice tonight. Not easy at all, but to use Shirley's term, 'do-able'. Cacapa commented on my need to relax my shoulders in jinga and tendency to hunch my back 'Obaaa-chan'! This may have something to do with my non-existent pullups. Something to work on. 

Nutrition - Solid

Fruit may be off as I took some of the evening fruit as a pre-second-workout snack and had the rest at home. Hit all grams elsewhere. 

Sleep - Like a Bubba

Caught up with some of the debt accumulated this week. Just as I fell into a cosy afternoon nap, neighbour starts to play eighties oldies. Stumbled round and told her I was trying to rest 'Sleepy in the middle of the day?!' Growl.  She turned it down, then off, thank god. 

More and more, I feel like an 'obaaaachan' on this project. Ten capoeira friends are going to the big gay party tonight, and I found out my fireman friend is going to wear a pink catsuit or something outrageous. And I'm at home, saving my energy for Day 84. Tokyo, stand by for two weekends! I'll be back! And I'll bring my muscles to the party!


PCP-ers at Day 83, what are you looking forward to DOING (not eating or drinking!) when you've got your time back?


  1. Ooh that 200 calorie snack is a good thing to remember post PCP.
    And agree with you that re-gaining social life is top on the priority list!

  2. Might be even better if there were some examples of what 200 calories of sweets looks like.

  3. love the 'love your body, snack at 200cal a day' purple post-it! It's causal, fun and a easy way to get the message out. I'll remember this and use this to remind my colleagues of this every time they head (way too often) to the communal snack area, which so happen to be right behind me...

    I also feel that i'm chasing my work outs and not actually owning them! Having said that, I WILL own them this last week of PCP...! YEAH XX
