Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 87 - Bananas, report, my mother

I feel like I'm going bananas! This post is in three part, moan, report, and my inspiration who is my mum. If you're in a hurry, just go to the end!

1. The moany bit

The following things have drained me and led to tears in the last three days, but I'm all over that now. Thank you for your encouragement!

1. Three consecutive late nights but my body was waking up naturally and getting up at 5 am.
2. Different WO (Patrick swapped round a superset so we could do one together.) and feeling out of the loop.
3. Guesswork with meals, eating too much salt, hurry, some packaged food. 

The elusive balance between nutrition, sleep, stimulus is lousy when it's out!

2. Report


As I said, a pitiful - under 6 hours on top of a debt from the previous day. Missing only a bit of sleep at this stage is BAAAD. I'm now in a late night exercise rhythm and snippy about it.

Work out

I honestly cannot remember much about the morning WO, other than I did it quickly and hard and still ran out of time to go to the park for bar work. I wasn't prepared to break my perfect attendance on exercise on Day 86!

At home station at 10.50, pullups and KF sit ups at park near my station (wearing a long skirt)
Through door at 11.15 ish, failure ab sets. Felt sick and stupid.

Couldn't tell if I was in failure as my form was so poor from the start.

I certainly gave my all. Sometimes 'giving your all' doesn't feel really RAH!
It feels like nothing except the task at hand.


Some guess work - protein at dinner was sashimi, then a 53 cal. packet of dried fish with all kinds of nasties in it, and a bit of leftover fish at home. Everything else was on the mark.

3. Inspiration

This is my mum, Pauline, with William. She's shy of having her photo taken, but this gives you a sense of her personality.

It's her birthday today and I miss her. I've sent her present and am going to talk on Skype, but sometimes, living abroad is tough.

Doing the PCP has sometimes reminded me of things she said as I was growing up.

1. Don't overschedule. Living healthily means giving yourself enough time to do things.

2. Enjoy the physical world around you - gardens, flowers, and as you see in the photo, cats.

3. Sit at the table to eat. During my childhood, she spent about 3 months with a naso-gastric tube with liquid food, but she always sat at the dining table to be with everyone. And did this without bumming us out. 

And one obvious one, that no PCP-ers need reminding of

4. Don't smoke.

Did I mention I miss her today?

I dedicate my workout tonight to my mother, Pauline Lewis. 


  1. Don't be too harsh on yourself, you are doing great.
    So close so close... I can almost smell it....

  2. You are doing great! In fact you inspire me everyday! Your Mom sounds wonderful.
