Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 71 - A little fanaticism goes a long way

There is no strong performance without a little fanaticism in the performer

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think I've talked mainly about food and sleep and skipping during my posts. I'm going to focus a bit more on the muscle workouts for the remainder of the project, so I can finish strong and take my capoeira to the next level.

Today was the first in the week and the sight of 'X failure' made my heart sink a bit. However, I ploughed through them and was happy at the end because the V-sit ups are starting to make sense to my body.

My goal for the muscle workouts is two-fold.

1. Good controlled form
2. Feel the burn.

Hit both of these today.

I'm also trying to get in some time with The Gang. I think Mike was trying to catch my eye when he said 'I'll see ya in 24 hours'. I think he might be high maintenance.

Shoulders are hurting now, so it's time to put this tired PCP-er to bed.

Keep it moving and shaking everyone. We've only got 19 more workouts to go!


  1. Pooh cool video! I actually tried a few capoeira lessons a long time ago but stopped because work got too busy and the location was quite inconvenient... Still interested in giving it another try though!

    Rock climbing... I started a year and half ago but wasn't super serious... Went on average once every few weeks? You see, this workout everydaything is VERY out of character for me.

  2. Yeah the capoeira looks really cool! I loved it so much when I visited Brazil that I wanted to get into it but my hectic work schedule in London never never allowed for that to happen. Maybe post PCP I can try and give it a go ? Hopefully they'll have a nice capoeira group here in HK.

    Gotta love mike ... It's almost midnight and I just HAD to pay him a visit otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to get to sleep. LOL.

    Let's make the most of these last 19 days together !

  3. I wonder what ever happened to Mike?

  4. Photos are rocking Helen.... You look strong...
