Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 77 - Walk on

Today is the end of Week 11! Feel like the hardest is to come, so I 'm going to get tougher on myself, before the 'Super sets' come in.

I'm going to report each day on my performance in the three areas needed to build muscle and get fit.

1. Muscle stimulus

Did I give my all in my workout or not? Give my all (GMA) is my way of saying 'Do my best on the day'. It might mean a wonderful workout or a mediocre one depending on the muscle group or the number of reps.

Some of the thing I can control are 'Did I concentrate on the exercise or just wish it was over?' 'Did I waste time between sets?' 'Did I feel a burn?'

2. Nutrition

Did I hit the grams? Did I introduce something I shouldn't? Did I eat my last meal 1.5 hours before sleeping?

3. Rest

How many hours did I sleep the previous night or during the day?

I'll report the previous day, so Day 78, Tuesday will reflect how I did on Day 77.  Feel free to hassle me if you see an area where I need to work harder or smarter!


Some of the practical changes I will make in the last 14 days.

1. No turning on my PC after 9 pm. I want to turn off the light earlier, get up earlier, get the WO done on a well-rested body.
2. Keeping breakfasts a lot simpler. A raw egg on rice, sashimi, a salad. Breakfast fritatta can be on the weekend.
3. Preview exercises the day before. Imagine what I will do. (Image training)

How about you guys? Is there any screw you can tighten up? Now is the time. 

Walk on gang!


  1. I am going to tighten up my form when doing planks, bicycles and v sits. I know I get sloppy when I am tired and slack. I also want to move faster between the pull ups and the following activity. Still struggling with my hands getting blisters... Yes, I know I need gloves :P

  2. Good checklist, now you're playing with POWER!
