Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 15 - "Muscles are like work animals"

Haruki Murakami, the Japanese novelist, is also a marathon runner, triathlete, and all-round inspiration for the connection between intellect and body. In his book 'What I talk about when I talk about running' he talks about how exercise, specifically running, was vital to his writing. He started running in his late thirties - my age - around the time he was transitioning from running a jazz bar to being a full time writer.

One of his observations of the early stages in building strength really chimed with me:

"Muscles are like work animals. You need to patiently show them every day what is expected of them and they will obey".

Similar to Patrick's advice about being 'mule-ish'!

That's the good news. The bad news is that if you let up on these 'animals' then they get lazy very quickly.

I feel like on the PCP we are constantly being pushed harder, but really a lot of what we are doing is building consistency with our bodies, giving the mules the same message. This is what you are made for.


Today was another day in this unreal situation that is unfolding. People are leaving the country, leaving Tokyo. I've entrusted my decision on this to someone whose expertise dwarfs what I know. This has given me clarity, but no comfort.

PCP-ing is my new normal!


Stay safe everyone in Tokyo and let's hope for an end to this horrible situation soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I can't imagine what it's like over there.. and kudos for keeping up with this amid everything thats going on.
