Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 8- First weighed-out brekkie! Ittadikimasu!

I'm on my way to work, which thankfully starts late on a Tuesday
Got home late after a great capoeira class. My body has responded well
to the hundreds of skips last week and it showed in my jinga (basic
capoeira move, swing). It was way faster and more controlled than I'd
ever been. Felt really good and looking forward to more of this.
Alot to think about in this morning's mail. Glad to finally have the
quantities of food for the week and that my breakfast veggies are back
to what I'd normally eat. For the first time in a week I'm not hungry
after breakfast! Huzzah!
I had wholemeal rice with some other grains mixed in, a raw egg on
that, my lowfat milk allowance, and leftover salad from the weekend
brunch (lettuce, pepper, and some pickled cabbage). I think pickled
veg is out because of salt, but it was the last of the
I've cooked a load of brown rice in advance and will weigh it out
tonight for each meal so I don't have to think about it. Also, and
this was annoyingly time consuming was weighing morning fruit. I'm
eating half an avocado (again fearing this might be snatched from me
because of the fat), and some green grapes. Yum!
The rest of the day will be veggies bought from the convenience store
under my office (the bag has the weight), steamed and for protein
probably some fish from Origin Bento, and a bought onigiri. This has
to be home cooked rice tomorrow because of the salt..
Wow! Did I mentioned I also did my skipping this morning? And tonight
there will be equipment buying in Shibuya, more weighing and
allocating, more food buying. And the evening resistance work.
And sometime today, a day's work!
Good luck Team Io. We can do this!

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