Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 26 - Capoeira Capers

Typing this on the train back from Yokohama where I visited Abada
capoeira group. My group, Bantus, in Kichijioji can't meet because of
the blackouts and this was my first proper class for about two weeks.
I struggled with the moves during practice quite a bit, but got into
my groove in the roda (free capoeira accompanied by music and singing).
I tend to stand with hands on hips between moves and couldn't help
feeling excited that I can hold them closer. And the growing strength
in my torso made me feel more in control. I'm looking forward to
seeing and feeling results of all the stuff in the park and my room.
Right now it feels just like spade work!
I woke late, everything got shoved back and I didn't have time to buy
and eat my cake. That's tomorrow's pleasant duty! I've been thinking
about it today on and off.
One thing that was different to normal was me carrying my dinner in a
lunch box and scoffing fish, sweet potatoes, greens on the station
platform. This is as Patrick advised me to have 90 min between dinner
and bed. And milk got drunk pre class at Yokohama 'Staba' to give me
some energy. 330 yen is a silly sum to pay, but it was sooo good.
Anyone got any wise words about the food/exercise relationship? I
thought I'd hate milk pre PCP but it seems to be what my body wants.

Okay, now to get to my favourite part of muscle building. Oyasumi!

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