Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3 - Three things to love about PCP

It's Day 3! And in Japanese a quitter is called a 'three-day monk' 三日坊主.
All I can say is that those monks didn't do the first three days of the Peak Condition Program.

There's a lot going on in my mind - from 'This is silly, have something more' to 'Yes, I can survive with this much'. I didn't sleep well last night, and had to change my plans to get some rest tonight, but it's all good.

Three things I love about the PCP so far which is carrying me over the lack of sleep...

1. Community

It's Fresher's Week all over - very rejuvenating and some of the introductory e-mails have the feeling you get in a college room late at night when people start to put out feelers and make friends. It's very tingly. 

2.  Sufficiency. 

I CAN eat a bit less and be okay with it. This is revelatory. I'm also wondering why I've been eating my money for so long. 

3. Satisfaction

Walking back to my apartment after some skipping in strong cold morning sunlight. Very peaceful. 

Team Io - what are YOU enjoying so far?


  1. Hi Helen,

    I also haven't slept too well the past couple of nights.. the hunger is there almost constantly.. I even dream about being hungry! But I'm slowly starting to get used to smaller portions, and as you say, it's possible to survive - and indeed be healthy - on far less than what we're used to eating. Having said that, I'm looking forward to the time when I'll be able to get back up to slighter more substantial meals again.. albeit with healthier ingredients.

    All the best


  2. I'm with you!
    I'm enjoying feeling more aware of what I do....
    and re your mail from the other day, let's ask Patrick how the workouts and weigh-ins work! have a great time at capoeira tomorrow!
