Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 7 - In which I skip in a smoking area

Cold sleet in Tokyo today meant I had to rethink where to do the 500
jumps. The best place was the area between my office and the stairs, a
lonely concrete place with the building's air con and fans. It has a
grill just above my head, so I felt like I was the Bird Man of
Alcatraz. As space was limited I floundered a few times, but belted
them out and returned smugly to my desk. Wore a pair of light slipper
like shoes I'd left in the office and my normal work clothes. Done in
about 10-15 min. Felt very Rocky. Working at a desk is hard as that
isn't what our bodies are built for.

And at lunch I had a half curry and half a nan. It was okay, nothing
groundbreaking. To be honest, half portions is a bit confusing.

Not sure about dinner, thinking fried chicken. It'll be after
capoeira, which is the harder class.

Photos of a before and after curry to follow.


1 comment:

  1. Nice work today!
    I'll come back tomorrow, to see your progress.

