Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 23 - Every man is the builder of a temple called his body

Love that Thoreau quote. He has a ton of wise things to say.

Feeling very 'my body is changing' and a mixture of excitement and fear about where this journey will lead. Too many thoughts to blog about at  11.30 at night after a day of jumping, working out, cooking, shopping, going to and from work, and working.

Main theme today is a kind of joining together, at least in my mind, between the food I eat and the shape I'm going to be. I never really thought about this beyond 'I need to eat less, I am eating too much'. Now I am eating more, happy as one of the Bash Street Kids who always finish their adventures with a huge feast, usually sausages and mash.

My home smells good, slightly nutty and earthy from the bag of potatoes I am munching my way through.

Work outs were good, tried to get a bigger band and ended up with one that doesn't really stretch, so going to Tokyu Hands in Shibuya tomorrow. Did work harder and faster after the session with Patrick and again, this felt good.

Going to work on the last bit of muscle building....REST!



  1. Celebrate -- sounds like you are nourishing your body, mind and spirit. Right on.

  2. Way to keep it all together. Sometimes I think sleep is the hardest part of PCP. Definitely the part where I'm consistently off.
