Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 9 - Channelling Barbara

I have nothing interesting to report about my exercise or diet today other than I am moving my butt and eating real food.

More interesting is what happened to me last night.

My inspirational figure, Hollywood legend Barbara Stanwyck, visited me in a dream.
We had the most interesting conversation. It went like this....

Babs:  Hey darlin, what are you doing in the kitchen with those scales?

Me: Uh, weighing out my carbs for tomorrow....I think I  got it figured out...

Babs: What in Gods name is a carb? 

Me: I don't know either. I think it is something I shouldn't eat too much, but I should if I am exercising. You know, to give me energy to move through my jumps and lifts and such. 

Babs: Honey, you serious? The only thing you need to lift is a cigarette. That's how I keep my figure! You getting all steamed up there, you just need to eat real food. Lay off the diet sodas too while you're at it. And just eat a little less. Chew slowly sweetie. Masticate 
Then something very strange happened! Barbara started to turn into a lanky bald New Englander with a polo neck...The man had Barbara's honeyed tones but spoke with urgency...

Honey, you don't need to smoke or jump a thousand ropes a day to have that waist you desire. Just eat real food and enjoy it. Put your fork or chopsticks down and breathe between bites. You'll soon find you are not eating too much. And stick with the plants, would ya?


  1. what a crazy dream!!! eat well and do exercises, if I lost 10 kgs, anyone can!!! :D


  2. Si, si, siiii!

    I'm going to FAB tonight and if you're there, better be ready with the fork lift.

