Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 31 - Come train with me

Trained with Paul, Patrick, and Kazue. Feeling stronger and enjoyed
the weigh-in, feedback, and fun of training with someone, especially
mirror image tricep dips. Go Paul!
Results are on track - the nasty wetsuit fat is on it's way out.
I've still got a spare tire, muffin top, and saddle bags if anyone
wants them. No takers? Okay, I'll just sacrifice them to the burrrrn
Bit of a low having yogurt, banana, and apple on station platform with
smell of hot savoury noodles nearby.
Anyone noticed heightened sense of smell? I'm starting to tell from
people's skin what they ate. This is not a blessing on a Tokyo train
at night...Maybe I'm becoming a vampire.
As long as it's a lean and strong one, it's all good.


  1. Cool, lucky you! I have noticed heightened taste, which is related to smell I figure. Yeah, lean + mean, you're on your way!

  2. Yeah i also have heightened Sense of smell too, ESP. from wht my colleagues eat at work- I'm just glad I don't eat what they eat anymore ! Greens are the way forward ! Great job Helen you're rocking it !!! Keep up the enthusiasm x

  3. Guy behind me in the office, eats Maccys every single day, the smell, it's like it's burning my nose hairs....

    Rock N Roll Helen !!!

  4. Definitely! My sense of smell has morphed into an other worldly dimension. A woman sat next to me the other day and started tucking into noodles and I was literally drooling all over her(she moved away). I have been dreaming about a piping hot bowl of ramen! Next indulgence perhaps?

  5. If you stay mindful you'll notice that often you can gain satisfaction just from the smell of things. This is the power of eating for a higher purpose than mere sensory pleasure.
