Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 47 - Gratuitous shot of Barbara Stanwyck and some remarks on motivation

Barbara Stanwyck by uf28

Isn't she just fabulous!

I'm going to a dance class at FAB Academy, Roppongi in about five minutes. It's a five week course leading to a fashion shoot with choreography, 'glamour' shots, and poses given by Kiki. This kind of thing is a bit scary, but the group are all very cool (all ladies) and the instructor, (a gay guy) tells us how to be feminine, drawing on his experience as a drag artist. It was pretty interesting advice - find what it is that makes you as an individual feel sexy. For example, he could never get his hands to move like a woman unless he had gorgeous nails on. It might be how you tie your hair, how a garment sits on you, a colour, a smell, a favourite accessory. This advice is good in so far as it means you explore what is personal to you and claim it as part of your own original sass factor.  Individuality combined with pleasure is very sexy. 

For PCP-ers though this call to individuality is much much deeper. We are not just exploring how to adorn our bodies here. This project is graft: breaking down, rebuilding, using, restoring, nourishing. Every time we weigh food, get off the couch, say no to fake food, and yes to real food, go to bed early, decline something. There are rules that are tough, but - on the individuality theme - we all find our own way to make them work for us. Some people work out early, others late, some while children sleep, others like Molly in the group ahead, with their family. Some people eat out, others at home, others make PCP boxed meals and eat them on the fly. We all have different MOs - it's SO interesting to read everyone's blogs. 

I love the fact that I can choose so much of what I get to do, but also that the framework is a proven one. Moreover, it is working for me. I am losing fat, toning up, and feeling quietly stronger each day. This process has been mostly good days, but there is usually a bit of time in every day when I have to remind myself of the bigger picture. Today's low was around after lunch which was the time I'd set aside for muscle workouts. I really did not want to do it and I did want to eat the remaining rice from my bento. (Half the bento remained!)  I was tired and that vinegary rice was tasty, dammit. 

Point for the Valley Dwellers: We don't have to feel 'ra-ra-rah!' Just put one foot in front of the other. 


  1. Just read this post and the post before it, I really liked both, there was a lot on motivation and the reasons why we're doing PCP. I'll need to remember it for the many days ahead. :)

  2. Thank you! Motivation will come and go. Mine is actually pretty low today. Good habits are steady and unchanging; a rock against the fickle tide of motivation.
