Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 40 - Holding it off

After a jubilant week of feeling big and strong, I'm now holding a sore throat at bay. I had a four-hour class today and had planned to go to the Sassy Girly dance class after that, but changed my mind when I started to notice slight shivery-ness and sore throat. This is very normal for me to a) get sick at the weekend b) feel it in my throat.

Good stuff was jumping before breakfast. I wasn't as coordinated as I'd have liked to be, but it was a bit windy and hey, I hadn't eaten anything.

I am calling this weekend, my 'Screw the Duvet' weekend. Namely, I'm going to try to keep as much as possible to a regular week schedule and just crash out earlier if I need to. I missed a bit of sleep Thursday and Friday hence feeling under the weather today. I hope I can do jumps before breakfast tomorrow.

A bit worried about eating out again tomorrow. This is a meal that is usually a two-weekly thing with a delightful lady called Yoko, AKA my Japanese grandmother. It hasn't happened because of the earthquake, so it's going to be special. In fact, it was Week 1, as I was eating half sushi portions. I'm going to have a look online to see if there are some better options than our usual places.

I'd like to take my scales in, but the ones I have at home are just too 'down home' looking to feel okay about in a restaurant!

Such are the challenges of trying to be PCP compliant and sociable. I'm in awe of people who regularly eat out and with clients!


  1. Ahhh, hope it was just a throat thing and you're not sick! And if you are I'm hoping it'll b teeny and you get back on form asap. What did you end up eating with your Jap grandma? You're right - eating out is tough, but traveling whilst on PCP is even worse. But once in a blue moon is ok I guess ;-)

  2. oh no... I hope you get past that throat thing. If not try a hot lemon: juice of whole lemon juice + hot water, ginger, honey and cayenne pepper. You can kick it helen! You're looking fierce and I LOVE the red suit by the way. Talk about sassy, man.
