Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 34 - Be a User

I've been tired a lot this weekend. The achy muscles ache less thanks to some rest yesterday, and I got on a high this morning when I ploughed through a tidy 300 in a row. That was some fun. If I'd posted earlier, this would be a peppy one. Went to capoeira in the evening - a different group's class - and to be honest, had a lot of trouble processing it all. Body felt frustrated at having to go slow to master moves and I spent a lot of time in my head during that class, rather than letting my body move.

 It feels like I used up not just all my physical strength before 8.30 this morning, but some of my brain power too! I'm looking forward to feeling like my body and mind being more in synch. I guess that this is part of the journey - a stronger body having different cues.

Recent inspiring thought that keeps going round my head is from Patrick's email a few days back - "Send your body the message that it is a energy burner, not a fat storer" (paraphrasing here).

Use it up; let it go already.

1 comment:

  1. I have felt pretty beat lately too. My head is having a hard time wrapping itself around, well anything really... Thanks for the Patrick reminder. It is a good thing to focus on!
