Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 45 - In celebration of the group ahead.

Today, the group ahead complete their PCP, challenging themselves to give their all to those tough final sets. They will be hugely missed. I got so much inspiration and support from them, especially Chris, Molly, and Richard. Guys, enjoy your Mullers and pizza and fizz!

Why did I choose this song? Apart from it being cool and chill and sexy? Because it feels like it's about something just about to start. For PCP-ers just completing with their new rocking bodies, I wonder what that will be.

Get it on.


  1. Helen ---I've been inspired by your blog already also. Thanks for all your encouraging comments. Can't wait to read your day 90 post. I'll be following along. We made it and you can too. Lets just say there is no way to describe the feeling. As Aki said in her final post, "It feels like it's my birthday or someting!" :)

  2. Oh yeah, T-REX, one of my fave's back in the day. Thanks for the shout out Helen, you're windy and wild... Take it easy and keep the faith pal. You inspire me too!

  3. Ladies, hope you are enjoying Post PCP Day 1! Actually, you can drop the count now!
