Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 60 - Be tough on yourself before temptation

Congratulations everyone at Day 60! Woohoo! I hope that you all celebrated! 

I made a new drink for post workout. I'm supposed to have low fat milk/yogurt and an egg white. I made it more fun by adding powdered cloves, cinammon, and nutmeg on top. The egg white is raw and then it's zapped together. I call it Ripped Little Girl because I got my workout done in 54 minutes. 

Anyone else got some cool ways with our milk allowance?

One satisfying thing today was planning much earlier than I thought I needed to. Had to buy some proper dance shoes for tomorrow's shoot and knew that if I left finding a place to eat in Shibuya until after I'd done it - it wouldn't happen. Ideally, I'd have packed a lunch, but sometimes there's only so much cooking/prepping you can do before you need to get out, so I went into a place where you can assemble your own lunch from big trays of veggies/fish/rice balls. They do ready made bento there too, but with the self service you get to make better choices. I got two pieces of shio (salt) saba fish and then 4 kinds of veg, and then weighed the rice ball. It was way over my allowance, as was the fish - so carved it up in Yoyogi park, put the remainder in small tupperware to take home and enjoyed an imperfect but fairly compliant meal watching everyone exercise. I even saw some teenage boys jump roping and felt a little smidge of pride. 

The cool thing about being picky with the grams came later. When I got home around 5 pm a couple of friends asked me to their apartment "Want to join two queens for strawberries, cheese, and champagne to celebrate the wedding of the next queen?" I've housesat for this couple and know their tv is truly huge, so of course I accepted. There was very little time to prepare. Prepare my stomach that is. I knew that I couldn't go into that situation without some lining. I threw a tin of tuna with the remaining fish from the morning, and pre-prepped potatoes and avocado. And some beansprouts plus other leftover veg on the side. It wasn't pretty and it wasn't even warm, but it was satisfying and delicious. 

Cycled to their place, announced that I'd be toasting with diet coke, then ate 5 strawberries while they ate french bread and squidgy Brie  and strawberries and champagne. One of them who hadn't heard about the PCP and was suprised I was declining posh champagne asked 'Why? Are you ill?' I said 'You don't want to see what's under my shirt'. He didn't either. 


I take two things from Day 60

1. Be tough on yourself before you are tempted by others. It's easier to have it out with the devil and angel on your own. 
2. One good meal usually leads to the next one being good - virtuous circle. 


  1. Way to be strong! I would have had a rough time with the champagne. I do love me some bubbly! I feel like everyone over in the East drinks it more frequently than around here. Is it common? We typically only have it on special occasions and weddings. Personally I adore it and wish it were more common. I drink prosecco which is fairly close and a little more common. Did you enjoy the wedding?

  2. Wow good job on getting everything done in 54 min! I'm still taking way too long.

  3. Right, and a poor or missed meal will often lead to bad choices.
