Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 57 - PCP is like puberty

I've had a thought that PCP-ing is like puberty, for me anyway.

1. Dramatic bodily changes
2. Increased sense of personal power, coupled with
3. Sense of apprehension about what to do with new power
4. Loss of control - my body is doing it's own thing now
5. Feeling of delight and pleasure
6. Stronger sense of self and thus
7. Need to have time alone
8. Somewhat judgy-wudgy and superior attitude to those who make 'lame' choices.
9. Need for lots of sleep
10. New found surges of confidence.

Anyone identify with these?


Today was another freakishly early morning - at 5.30 if you please! The plans came in a little later than usual, but they were worth waiting for. My nose is well and truly in the trough.

I have a new pain, on my right shoulder and it is dull and a bit depressing, but I guess that's muscle tissue doing that thing that teenage revellers do after the first party of the night - getting their booze, fags, texting friends from other places, before going to the party after the party, which is bigger and louder and more debauched than the first.

Okay, on that note, time to disperse!


  1. Ha, wish my puberty was like that, mine was a little like, acne, growth, out of place, hair, uncomfortable positions and a whole lot of pain - ha, actually kinda like PCP !

    Keep rocking it Helen and great reading your blogs - You inspire all to be more involved and aware..

  2. Puberty by choice is way better.
