Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 58 - Your heart and nerve and sinew

Marines cross a revien in Korea by United States Marine Corps Official Page
Marines cross a revien in Korea, a photo by United States Marine Corps Official Page on Flickr.
If you can make your heart and nerve and sinew
Serve your turn long after they are done,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you, 
Except the will that says to them 'Hold on'.
Rudyard Kipling. 
This morning's mail from Patrick was one of my favourites of the PCP so far. Great tips on how to stay strong - have a mantra, think of your Day 90 shots, think of the inspiration person or someone else who gets to you. I haven't put a picture of Ms. Stanwyck anywhere I look during my workout, but I do have an image of a woman running (Pepsi Ad) on my fridge. I also think of PCP-ers who've recently completed and those who are challenging themselves everyday along with me. 

Today I woke super early again, and got through my workout before leaving the apartment. I find a mantra keeps me going during jump ropes and a mixture of getting psyched and being relaxed is needed for muscle work. If I get too intense about it, I lose my count!

Music! Of course, rock will get you amped - I love Jango for getting a quick hit of something I like and then suprised at the next track it plays - it's supposed to be similar to the artist or song you selected before. Good fun!

If I'm in a mood to be distracted, I'll go to the BBC's homepage.

And sometimes I rely on nothing except being bloody minded

What are you all doing to get through these bastard sets?


  1. Hey Helen,

    Some great advice here- thanks! Are you up for a workout this Sunday? Let me know...

  2. Sometimes I don't even know how I get through them!?!? Maybe I mentally remove myself from the situation.

  3. I answered your grit's question on my blog. But I wanted to let you know on yours that I would adopt you in a heart beat! Next time you visit the states come down my way.

  4. Thumbs up guys your doing a really good job. Nerve Renew
