Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 49 - Time to heed my own advice

Last week I accrued a bit of a sleep debt. I thought I'd catch up at
the weekend but I ended up just setting my body clock back and staying
up late last night. I really felt the lack on all kinds of level -
physically (food felt heavy and I was hungrier than usual) mentally
(self pitying and flat) and it's only now, when the day is nearly over
and I'm on a post class high that I feel more awake.
I feel embarrassed blogging this as I'm the one exhorting others to
get their rest. Tonight, I'm going to imagine that I am a fractious
toddler who any reasonable parent would be anxious to 'put down'. I'm
going to have lights out at 11 tonight - maybe earlier and be in bed
by 10.30. There, I said it.

As Patrick told us, sleep is not a kind of reward for efforts or
something we deserve. It is a third of our training.
Rest is the easiest thing in the world to take for granted and yet the
difference between not enough and enough is profound.
Wishing everyone out there sweet dreams and a good night's training.


  1. You betcha. Its the hardest thing about the PCP and I've been really struggling with it - got to get that sleep: getting five hours a night and waking up throughout is miserable. While the indulgence has lots of bad things about it, the one major benefit was that it brought me was ten hours of gloriously uninterrupted zzz's! Get to bed early and Good luck with your kip!

  2. Sweet dreams Helen. Digging the horse allusion :-)
