Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 53 - In which I won't get away with it.

I'm too tired to write sentences today, so here is a list on the theme

'Don't let myself get away with it'.

1. Night class tonight, I'm hungrier than usual, sore from morning jumps before breakfast
2. How on earth will I do my muscle work out?
3. Capoeira shoes and resistance band are in my rucksack; park near office - check
4. Home made sushi roll for dinner in workplace fridge - check
5. Goofy man in lycra waiting for me at home - check
6. Muscles coming through in unlikely places - check.
7. Determination to not overthink and do it one day at a time - kind of checked.
8. Seven tickets to Niwa no Yu Onsen - check
9. My best buddy over for lunch tomorrow - check
10. The belief that all these little things will add up to something lovely - CHECK!

Happy Friday!