Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 38 - I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made

Today's been a great day so far, so I thought I'd 'use up' this amazing quote I've had in mind for a blog post.

I woke up naturally today! At 5.55 to be exact. Felt suprised and for a change did not roll over but decided to roll out of bed. Jumps were done on my doorstep and I moved through the WO at a steady pace. I do look like an old geezer with the piston squats, but that's going to change. And the cycling was fine at first, but I was close to failure on the third set. In fact, I seem to be close to failure in a few of my third sets.

Another recording session at the NHK studio, this time for a lighter show (Radio Japan Focus). I got there earlier than expected, had more time to rehearse on my own, and felt the benefits of better breathing.

BREATH! It's something I have to think alot about during workouts but then I stop caring afterwards. I'm trying to be more aware of it. When it's good, everything is good.

Came back to my office in time for our annual hanami party. Got a compliment on my dinner (everything in one tupperware tub) and it was really nice to have tasty food that I had control over. I was satisfied, but not stuffed, and in fact the handstand and bridge were AFTER lunch! This would not happen with a shop bought bento!

Most of today, not just during exercise, but during rising, moving around, walking through stations, doing my radio announcement, I've felt awesome power in my body. Long may this continue!

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