Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 61 - Feeling contradictory
It's about 4 hours from the Sassy Girl shoot and I'm feeling less than sass. I get like this before events like public speaking which I did a lot of two years ago. Not amped or high, just empty and slightly low.
I feel like I've only got enough sociability to put everything into the video shoot, and then get myself home again. There's an invite to a party afterwards, and people will go dressed up. When I heard about it I was so excited, but now my throat is feeling sore, I'm tired, achy, and I know I'll just feeling like resting afterwards.
This I guess is what you get for doing this PCPing - you can't do as much as you want to while doing the workouts too. Or maybe some people can, but I'm not one of them. I did my workout, but not jumps first thing even though I felt shattered. Psychologically, I need a break from the time sink that is the round of prepping, eating, clearing away as well as the workouts that exert their own stress. I want the energy to have my social life, to go OUT to a party like the one tonight, to roll into The Dubliners in Shinjuku. Or just to spend a few hours with a good book.
All my energy is directed towards PCPing and if I give the impression its a joyful sacrifice, then well, it isn't. I feel like I'm starting again and feeling frustrated.
It's odd - If I project forward to me looking at tonight's video shoot, there'll be no evidence that I'm this tired. Ditto the shots of me in the park. I was fighting through it. Today is the second time this project I've felt frustrated to tears. The first was during the week after the earthquake.
Two happy thoughts
1. I'll see Patrick and Paul in the studio tomorrow for a workout and catch up. I want to talk face to face with people who 'get it'. Guys, stand by.
2. The party scene isn't going anywhere for the next four weeks.
I feel like I've only got enough sociability to put everything into the video shoot, and then get myself home again. There's an invite to a party afterwards, and people will go dressed up. When I heard about it I was so excited, but now my throat is feeling sore, I'm tired, achy, and I know I'll just feeling like resting afterwards.
This I guess is what you get for doing this PCPing - you can't do as much as you want to while doing the workouts too. Or maybe some people can, but I'm not one of them. I did my workout, but not jumps first thing even though I felt shattered. Psychologically, I need a break from the time sink that is the round of prepping, eating, clearing away as well as the workouts that exert their own stress. I want the energy to have my social life, to go OUT to a party like the one tonight, to roll into The Dubliners in Shinjuku. Or just to spend a few hours with a good book.
All my energy is directed towards PCPing and if I give the impression its a joyful sacrifice, then well, it isn't. I feel like I'm starting again and feeling frustrated.
It's odd - If I project forward to me looking at tonight's video shoot, there'll be no evidence that I'm this tired. Ditto the shots of me in the park. I was fighting through it. Today is the second time this project I've felt frustrated to tears. The first was during the week after the earthquake.
Two happy thoughts
1. I'll see Patrick and Paul in the studio tomorrow for a workout and catch up. I want to talk face to face with people who 'get it'. Guys, stand by.
2. The party scene isn't going anywhere for the next four weeks.
Day 60 - Be tough on yourself before temptation
Congratulations everyone at Day 60! Woohoo! I hope that you all celebrated!
I made a new drink for post workout. I'm supposed to have low fat milk/yogurt and an egg white. I made it more fun by adding powdered cloves, cinammon, and nutmeg on top. The egg white is raw and then it's zapped together. I call it Ripped Little Girl because I got my workout done in 54 minutes.
Anyone else got some cool ways with our milk allowance?
One satisfying thing today was planning much earlier than I thought I needed to. Had to buy some proper dance shoes for tomorrow's shoot and knew that if I left finding a place to eat in Shibuya until after I'd done it - it wouldn't happen. Ideally, I'd have packed a lunch, but sometimes there's only so much cooking/prepping you can do before you need to get out, so I went into a place where you can assemble your own lunch from big trays of veggies/fish/rice balls. They do ready made bento there too, but with the self service you get to make better choices. I got two pieces of shio (salt) saba fish and then 4 kinds of veg, and then weighed the rice ball. It was way over my allowance, as was the fish - so carved it up in Yoyogi park, put the remainder in small tupperware to take home and enjoyed an imperfect but fairly compliant meal watching everyone exercise. I even saw some teenage boys jump roping and felt a little smidge of pride.
The cool thing about being picky with the grams came later. When I got home around 5 pm a couple of friends asked me to their apartment "Want to join two queens for strawberries, cheese, and champagne to celebrate the wedding of the next queen?" I've housesat for this couple and know their tv is truly huge, so of course I accepted. There was very little time to prepare. Prepare my stomach that is. I knew that I couldn't go into that situation without some lining. I threw a tin of tuna with the remaining fish from the morning, and pre-prepped potatoes and avocado. And some beansprouts plus other leftover veg on the side. It wasn't pretty and it wasn't even warm, but it was satisfying and delicious.
Cycled to their place, announced that I'd be toasting with diet coke, then ate 5 strawberries while they ate french bread and squidgy Brie and strawberries and champagne. One of them who hadn't heard about the PCP and was suprised I was declining posh champagne asked 'Why? Are you ill?' I said 'You don't want to see what's under my shirt'. He didn't either.
I take two things from Day 60
1. Be tough on yourself before you are tempted by others. It's easier to have it out with the devil and angel on your own.
2. One good meal usually leads to the next one being good - virtuous circle.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 59 - Whither Abs?
I'm clearly getting braver/stupider about showing you all what's happening here. This was taken at about 8 am after getting through my workout in 49 minutes - with the exception of the Kung Fu situps. What helped me get through faster was having the workout scribbled on a small post-it note which I carried in my pocket between the sets.
This is from yesterday I think. As you can see, I'm a bit of a dunce with numbers, but I'm figuring out a way to count down. Just to get myself confused, I sometimes count down, say 60, 59, 58, then get to 50, and start counting up. I don't know why I do this, but it happens. The thing I have got straight is turning my body a full 90 degrees if its a new skipping set or a 180 degrees when I'm in my tiny apartment. I'm sure I'll still be miscounting on Day 90, but that won't stop it getting done.
Today is Thursday, but tomorrow is Golden Week Friday, and a long weekend! I'm going shopping for clothes and shoes for the Sassy Girl video shoot on Saturday night. I'll also need to do some practise at home as I'm still behind the other, more diligent, students. Things like the Sassy Girl Dance class and capoeira are important right now. All the things I need to do - putting on my gear before sleeping, getting up, remembering to count, and finding the burn - can seem a bit trudgy at this point. I need to remember that it all adds up.
Have a great day everyone!
Have a great day everyone!
early rising,
Day 58 - Jewel-like sashimi
![]() |
Delicious and beautiful. From a supermarket near Tokyo's famous Tsukiji market last night. And I correctly estimated their weight - around 60 g.! Anyone know what they are btw!? |
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day 58 - Your heart and nerve and sinew
Marines cross a revien in Korea, a photo by United States Marine Corps Official Page on Flickr.
If you can make your heart and nerve and sinew
Serve your turn long after they are done,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you,
Except the will that says to them 'Hold on'.
Rudyard Kipling.
This morning's mail from Patrick was one of my favourites of the PCP so far. Great tips on how to stay strong - have a mantra, think of your Day 90 shots, think of the inspiration person or someone else who gets to you. I haven't put a picture of Ms. Stanwyck anywhere I look during my workout, but I do have an image of a woman running (Pepsi Ad) on my fridge. I also think of PCP-ers who've recently completed and those who are challenging themselves everyday along with me.
Today I woke super early again, and got through my workout before leaving the apartment. I find a mantra keeps me going during jump ropes and a mixture of getting psyched and being relaxed is needed for muscle work. If I get too intense about it, I lose my count!
Music! Of course, rock will get you amped - I love Jango for getting a quick hit of something I like and then suprised at the next track it plays - it's supposed to be similar to the artist or song you selected before. Good fun!
If I'm in a mood to be distracted, I'll go to the BBC's homepage.
And sometimes I rely on nothing except being bloody minded.
What are you all doing to get through these bastard sets?
Day 57 - PCP is like puberty
I've had a thought that PCP-ing is like puberty, for me anyway.
1. Dramatic bodily changes
2. Increased sense of personal power, coupled with
3. Sense of apprehension about what to do with new power
4. Loss of control - my body is doing it's own thing now
5. Feeling of delight and pleasure
6. Stronger sense of self and thus
7. Need to have time alone
8. Somewhat judgy-wudgy and superior attitude to those who make 'lame' choices.
9. Need for lots of sleep
10. New found surges of confidence.
Anyone identify with these?
Today was another freakishly early morning - at 5.30 if you please! The plans came in a little later than usual, but they were worth waiting for. My nose is well and truly in the trough.
I have a new pain, on my right shoulder and it is dull and a bit depressing, but I guess that's muscle tissue doing that thing that teenage revellers do after the first party of the night - getting their booze, fags, texting friends from other places, before going to the party after the party, which is bigger and louder and more debauched than the first.
Okay, on that note, time to disperse!
1. Dramatic bodily changes
2. Increased sense of personal power, coupled with
3. Sense of apprehension about what to do with new power
4. Loss of control - my body is doing it's own thing now
5. Feeling of delight and pleasure
6. Stronger sense of self and thus
7. Need to have time alone
8. Somewhat judgy-wudgy and superior attitude to those who make 'lame' choices.
9. Need for lots of sleep
10. New found surges of confidence.
Anyone identify with these?
Today was another freakishly early morning - at 5.30 if you please! The plans came in a little later than usual, but they were worth waiting for. My nose is well and truly in the trough.
I have a new pain, on my right shoulder and it is dull and a bit depressing, but I guess that's muscle tissue doing that thing that teenage revellers do after the first party of the night - getting their booze, fags, texting friends from other places, before going to the party after the party, which is bigger and louder and more debauched than the first.
Okay, on that note, time to disperse!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Day 56 - Energy peaks and troughs
My energy levels have been up and down a lot today. Made myself turn out the light at 10.30 yesterday and woke early. Did my jumps reasonably smoothly - got up to 280 at one set. Then HUGELY sleepy before lunch and then pretty even for the rest of the day. Now it's time to turn out the light and I want to stay up. Plus we seem to get earthquakes around this time! There's one going off as I type this. Most inconsiderate.
I remind myself that I am very lucky to have survived the quake and have a normal life and the chance to make wise choices about my health.
Here's a good quote on energy by Corita Kent.
'Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries'.
Okay, time for some horizontal training.
Oyasumi nasai!
I remind myself that I am very lucky to have survived the quake and have a normal life and the chance to make wise choices about my health.
Here's a good quote on energy by Corita Kent.
'Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries'.
Okay, time for some horizontal training.
Oyasumi nasai!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Day 55 - And miles to go before I sleep
This verse from Robert Frost sums up how I felt today, being in the middle of this journey...
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep
For some reason, I woke at 5.30 and got all my workout and jumps done before breakfast. Don't ask me how that happened, but I hope I am in a good rhythm for next week. I failed pretty early on the pullups, my jump rope is inconsistent, my back work is good.
Went to Kawasaki and had lunch at the Oyster Gumbo bar with Yoko. They patiently listened to what I needed, decided to charge me an extra 200 yen for throwing about five more prawns onto my pasta, and then promptly brought Yoko a diminished bowl of rice and dressingless salad. These things happen (Side observation - why did she send it back and ask for more but tell me that she wouldn't eat it all? Strange things happen when you want your money's worth...).
As usual, the food I made myself was the real treat - pan-fried buri and steamed sweet potatoes with ginger/red onion thrown on top. Probably too much frying, but hey ho.
Going back to the poem, I feel totally immersed in this experience in the same way the traveler did when in the woods. I know that it'll be over and I've got to look to day 90, the tough last section, but right now, I feel on top of things.
Fellow PCP-ers, what are you feeling on top of? I know Paul is on top of his plank!
Have a great week everyone!
Day 54 in pictures
The Chosen One - Queen of Marron and matcha icecream.
But I'd gone for this before!
My best mate from North Gloustershire, Hayden. He had an apple caramel cake and I blame him for not eating more of the icecream....(C'mon, what's not to love about matcha icecream!?)
Other people around during Saturday were the fabulous people at Fab Academy, Kike (the teacher) and Brad. More of them later. Kike is a superb teacher and I've learnt so much from him about how to be a sassy girl...The video shoot is next Saturday and I'll be posting it!
April is a Brit in the class who has learnt all the moves and I copy her shamelessly. It was her birthday, and the Fab. duo provided champagne and cake. Patrick, no hints there for how to treat us PCP-ers!
On the theme of Brits - yesterday was St. George's Day and I made a boiled egg in his honour. (Note to self - don't let pastels get on the boiled egg itself). The sushi you see is a little wonky, but it was my first time. Here it is being assembled....
A random Youtube video on sushi making with soppy music gave me an idea on how to start, but Yoko told me the rice should be spread out. Cooking is all about screwing up and eating your mistakes experimenting. Also, having everything ready to roll! Like getting your bands/mat/push up bars together before a workout.
And finally, here is a blurry shot of my torso for your viewing pleasure.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Day 54 - (Over) Indulgence 2
So the mission to consume 700 - 800 calories was successful!
The Chosen One was a 'Queen of Marron Dessert' that was just heavenly. I'd planned to eat it with a matcha taiyaki, thinking that it would be about the right no. of calories. Of course, when I biked to the shop, they didn't have matcha, so I consumed a 'soycream' one. That was fairly indifferent and salty. The best thing about that was the bit of thick pancake around the tail and the first 3 bites.
I had my best buddy, Hayden, over to have lunch (home made sushi rolls!) and join me on the indulgence, so Ilied to myself decided to share some matcha icecream. He had an apple caramel pie and I had to nag him to let me sit down and join him otherwise he'd have finished eating before me! The matcha icecream wasn't his thing, so I put it in the fridge for later consumed all of it myself. OINK.
The marron and icecream was truly a wonderful combination - slightly bitter and green creaminess against the nutty and slightly lemony notes, and lighter cream of The Chosen One.
I'd say the cheesecake last time gave me a bigger hit. But then I'd already slashed up some taste buds with the salt from the taiyaki. When it comes to indulgences, simpler is best for me.
I got a bit of leg tingling and after eating Hayden asked 'You okay?' as I had my head in my hands. I was TIRED from that food.
The original plan was to go to the Sassy Girl dance class and then come back but there was champagne and cake for someone's birthday. Obviously, the smart move would be to ask for a small slice of cake and put my glass of fizz down in the general mingling. Obviously, I did not take that option. I'll be posting pictures later.
Came back to my home station, biked home, and jumped in the rain. Had a really good session - in the rain and wind, got into the groove I'd missed for a couple of weeks. See how much the sugar helped!
That took away some of the mild disgust I felt about having the cake and champagne. This wasn't really in the BF wedding type celebration and I could've handled it much better! And one more confession - last night I overate about 30 g. of protein in the form of small dried fish in sesame. It was just the same as eating a bag of potato crisps in terms of chasing the taste in my mouth.
I have questions about life post PCP - like 'Do we schedule treats in once in a while?' and the big one 'Can I be trusted?' Because I really don't want to go back to where I was two years ago. Food is good, life is short, but the pleasure of taste is shorter and more transient than the joy of a body that is in shape.
Back to the grind tomorrow. I can't wait.
The Chosen One was a 'Queen of Marron Dessert' that was just heavenly. I'd planned to eat it with a matcha taiyaki, thinking that it would be about the right no. of calories. Of course, when I biked to the shop, they didn't have matcha, so I consumed a 'soycream' one. That was fairly indifferent and salty. The best thing about that was the bit of thick pancake around the tail and the first 3 bites.
I had my best buddy, Hayden, over to have lunch (home made sushi rolls!) and join me on the indulgence, so I
The marron and icecream was truly a wonderful combination - slightly bitter and green creaminess against the nutty and slightly lemony notes, and lighter cream of The Chosen One.
I'd say the cheesecake last time gave me a bigger hit. But then I'd already slashed up some taste buds with the salt from the taiyaki. When it comes to indulgences, simpler is best for me.
I got a bit of leg tingling and after eating Hayden asked 'You okay?' as I had my head in my hands. I was TIRED from that food.
The original plan was to go to the Sassy Girl dance class and then come back but there was champagne and cake for someone's birthday. Obviously, the smart move would be to ask for a small slice of cake and put my glass of fizz down in the general mingling. Obviously, I did not take that option. I'll be posting pictures later.
Came back to my home station, biked home, and jumped in the rain. Had a really good session - in the rain and wind, got into the groove I'd missed for a couple of weeks. See how much the sugar helped!
That took away some of the mild disgust I felt about having the cake and champagne. This wasn't really in the BF wedding type celebration and I could've handled it much better! And one more confession - last night I overate about 30 g. of protein in the form of small dried fish in sesame. It was just the same as eating a bag of potato crisps in terms of chasing the taste in my mouth.
I have questions about life post PCP - like 'Do we schedule treats in once in a while?' and the big one 'Can I be trusted?' Because I really don't want to go back to where I was two years ago. Food is good, life is short, but the pleasure of taste is shorter and more transient than the joy of a body that is in shape.
Back to the grind tomorrow. I can't wait.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Week 7 shot!
The photo showing on the widget is an old one from Week 2. If you know how to fix this, please tell me!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Day 53 - In which I won't get away with it.
I'm too tired to write sentences today, so here is a list on the theme
'Don't let myself get away with it'.
1. Night class tonight, I'm hungrier than usual, sore from morning jumps before breakfast
2. How on earth will I do my muscle work out?
3. Capoeira shoes and resistance band are in my rucksack; park near office - check
4. Home made sushi roll for dinner in workplace fridge - check
5. Goofy man in lycra waiting for me at home - check
6. Muscles coming through in unlikely places - check.
7. Determination to not overthink and do it one day at a time - kind of checked.
8. Seven tickets to Niwa no Yu Onsen - check
9. My best buddy over for lunch tomorrow - check
10. The belief that all these little things will add up to something lovely - CHECK!
Happy Friday!
'Don't let myself get away with it'.
1. Night class tonight, I'm hungrier than usual, sore from morning jumps before breakfast
2. How on earth will I do my muscle work out?
3. Capoeira shoes and resistance band are in my rucksack; park near office - check
4. Home made sushi roll for dinner in workplace fridge - check
5. Goofy man in lycra waiting for me at home - check
6. Muscles coming through in unlikely places - check.
7. Determination to not overthink and do it one day at a time - kind of checked.
8. Seven tickets to Niwa no Yu Onsen - check
9. My best buddy over for lunch tomorrow - check
10. The belief that all these little things will add up to something lovely - CHECK!
Happy Friday!
Day 52 - Feeding time, fun in the park, and bowing out of capoeira
Again, I'm astounded at how long preparing food takes when you are
weighing everything. Last night I decided to jump rope, 'do a bit of
prep' and then think about biking down to the onsen. Did this happen?
Did it heck!
Two and a half hours, a bag of veggies, eggs, milk, yogurt, a pot of
said eggs, boiled, veggies chopped for the nori roll this evening, a
cinammon salmon veggie omlette cooked for this am, plus actually
eating my evening rations (love AMAYL veggies).... Made it to local
(sento) bathouse just to get away from the sight of food!
Enjoyed a moving Radio 4 play while puttering in the kitchen. I adore radio drama!
Today's been hard. I did everything early today, by 9. All except the Kung Fu situps before leaving for the studio - including packing food for tonight. Now it's close to capoeira time, my energy is very low and I just want to be transported home with no need for walks or subways or bike rides. Sorry to whine, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.
This is the kind of thing that gets me - I expect tiredness midworkout, but knackered during the day is a drag. Must be in the shredding stage of muscle growth, huh?
My friend, Joy, took some photos this afternoon in a local park. They probably give a completely false account of how much energy I have!
Start of a pull-up?
No, it's a Kung Fu sit up!
Kids behind scared I'll clock them! Wisely, they beat a hasty retreat...
Note pointed toes and scary face! Now let's see if this elephant will take my weight...
Only one day till the weekend and then Indulgence, Sass, and Japanese Grandmother!
I think the capoeira tonight might just be sacrificed for sleep because the class finishes at 10.15 which won't bring me home until 11.30. This is a bit annoying, but in the grand scheme, it's no biggie. And Roald Dahl's short stories for adults are on Radio 4 too.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Day 51 - Anticipaaaaaa-tion
I'm feeling much better after better sleep, some fantastic food if I
say so myself, and ....drum roll... The Second Indulgence. I visited
La Bess (near Ikebukuro), the Alice in Wonderland-esque cake shop of the delicious cream cheese ball from Indulgence 1. I asked the owner to stand by with X confection for Saturday. You can
see it in the cabinet - though I hope she makes a fresh one for the
weekend. Can you guess which treat is The Chosen One? Here's a hint - as we get more calories to play with and it's on the small side, I'll be pairing it with a matcha taiyaki.
Taiyaki, is a kind of grilled pancake, usually with adzuki beans in the middle, and in the shape of a fish. I guess it hits peoples' desire for crispy and greasy. I adore the grease, the fat, the chewy texture of these things, and there is a stand selling these babies a short walk from my place. The matcha should be compliment The Chosen One; if you recall from a few weeks back, I went to a party and watched with envy as people enjoyed matcha icecream.
I've even thought about the timing of eating them...a couple of bites of the taiyaki while it's hot, then get it home and eat the rest with The Chosen One.
Am I overthinking this? Probably. But recently, I've been kept SO busy prepping/cooking/eating/clearing up that I don't feel like I am eating, let alone 'dining'. If I'm honest, the word that best describes it is 'feeding'.
Is anyone else anticipating the pleasure of Indulgence 2?
say so myself, and ....drum roll... The Second Indulgence. I visited
La Bess (near Ikebukuro), the Alice in Wonderland-esque cake shop of the delicious cream cheese ball from Indulgence 1. I asked the owner to stand by with X confection for Saturday. You can
see it in the cabinet - though I hope she makes a fresh one for the
weekend. Can you guess which treat is The Chosen One? Here's a hint - as we get more calories to play with and it's on the small side, I'll be pairing it with a matcha taiyaki.
Taiyaki, is a kind of grilled pancake, usually with adzuki beans in the middle, and in the shape of a fish. I guess it hits peoples' desire for crispy and greasy. I adore the grease, the fat, the chewy texture of these things, and there is a stand selling these babies a short walk from my place. The matcha should be compliment The Chosen One; if you recall from a few weeks back, I went to a party and watched with envy as people enjoyed matcha icecream.
I've even thought about the timing of eating them...a couple of bites of the taiyaki while it's hot, then get it home and eat the rest with The Chosen One.
Am I overthinking this? Probably. But recently, I've been kept SO busy prepping/cooking/eating/clearing up that I don't feel like I am eating, let alone 'dining'. If I'm honest, the word that best describes it is 'feeding'.
Is anyone else anticipating the pleasure of Indulgence 2?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Day 50 - A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.
Love that Irish proverb there!
Slept long and deep last night although I felt ridiculous about having to concentrate so hard (don't turn on computer! don't open book! don't put away cups!) Woke up a bit groggy and more aware of my body. Give your muscles get a chance to rest and they seem to hurt more! I take this continued ache as a message from my body (the toddler) to do the same thing tonight. I will put out the light by 11 pm at the latest.
Gretchen Ruben has some wise words on treating yourself as a toddler and planning ahead.
This is the first day in the whole project that I have had an entire workout (jump rope and muscle work) to do in the evening. I might swap out the jump rope for a mini dance session - if you remember I'm doing a Sassy Girl dance class and there will be a video shoot in two weekends. I need to learn the steps and Kike kindly gave everyone a CD with his choreography. The music is Christina Aguleira's 'Burlesque' and it's great to do it with a stronger leaner body. So I get to Be A Woman as well as a fractious toddler. Ace.
How about you guys? How are you going to get a good night's training?
Day 49 - Time to heed my own advice
Last week I accrued a bit of a sleep debt. I thought I'd catch up at
the weekend but I ended up just setting my body clock back and staying up late last night. I really felt the lack on all kinds of level -
physically (food felt heavy and I was hungrier than usual) mentally
(self pitying and flat) and it's only now, when the day is nearly over
and I'm on a post class high that I feel more awake.
I feel embarrassed blogging this as I'm the one exhorting others to
get their rest. Tonight, I'm going to imagine that I am a fractious
toddler who any reasonable parent would be anxious to 'put down'. I'm
going to have lights out at 11 tonight - maybe earlier and be in bed
by 10.30. There, I said it.
As Patrick told us, sleep is not a kind of reward for efforts or
something we deserve. It is a third of our training.
Rest is the easiest thing in the world to take for granted and yet the
difference between not enough and enough is profound.
Wishing everyone out there sweet dreams and a good night's training.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Day 46 - 'If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don't

Fruit is THE true 'convenience food'. You give a quick rinse (or not with citrus), cut (or just bite) and then get a huge hit of taste, freshness, and water.
Compare the abundant gift a piece of fruit gives you to the cost to your body of eating packaged foods. They pack a high salt content, additives, preservatives that stop the raw materials going off but also strain your digestive system. The taste of almost all processed foods (often called 'oyatsu' in Japanese) is certainly more intense on a savoury level than fruit. But packaged foods invariably drain us of energy about 20 minutes after consumption because of the energy required to digest.
I see people in my office snacking on cookies, salty sembei rice crackers, popcorn and sometimes people ask me if I miss what they are having.
I don't miss the energy slump and the dry feeling in my mouth or the knowledge that I've just put a 200 cal or more hurt on my body that won't satisfy me. The snack pictured was eaten 10 minutes ago. Now my body is energized, fresh, and light. Isn't this 'convenient'?
Food that is ridiculously simply to prepare, fun to eat, and smoothly digested. Some things about the PCP are a breeze!
On another topic...
I sometimes wonder about whether I should go onto free-range or more humanely farmed eggs given how many whites I am eating a day though. The whole factory farming thing makes me queasy even though I adore eating egg whites.
Day 45 - Post capoeira
This is after my capoeira class at FAB Academy with Cacapa. It was a fairly quiet class, but satsifying. We practised 'el-ua, tempo, troca' and other moves for getting around in the roda. I need to pay more attention to the Portugese.
Before class I had a quick nap in a 'flat floor' net cafe in Roppongi and did the plank and ab. work from the morning when I didn't have time for everything.
Feeling good, but the WO is going to be tonight as I'm officially low on sleep and energy now!
Policy for the rest of the program is as much as possible Eschew the Duvet and Jump.
Have a great Friday all!
Before class I had a quick nap in a 'flat floor' net cafe in Roppongi and did the plank and ab. work from the morning when I didn't have time for everything.
Feeling good, but the WO is going to be tonight as I'm officially low on sleep and energy now!
Policy for the rest of the program is as much as possible Eschew the Duvet and Jump.
Have a great Friday all!
Day 47 - Gratuitous shot of Barbara Stanwyck and some remarks on motivation
Isn't she just fabulous!
I'm going to a dance class at FAB Academy, Roppongi in about five minutes. It's a five week course leading to a fashion shoot with choreography, 'glamour' shots, and poses given by Kiki. This kind of thing is a bit scary, but the group are all very cool (all ladies) and the instructor, (a gay guy) tells us how to be feminine, drawing on his experience as a drag artist. It was pretty interesting advice - find what it is that makes you as an individual feel sexy. For example, he could never get his hands to move like a woman unless he had gorgeous nails on. It might be how you tie your hair, how a garment sits on you, a colour, a smell, a favourite accessory. This advice is good in so far as it means you explore what is personal to you and claim it as part of your own original sass factor. Individuality combined with pleasure is very sexy.
For PCP-ers though this call to individuality is much much deeper. We are not just exploring how to adorn our bodies here. This project is graft: breaking down, rebuilding, using, restoring, nourishing. Every time we weigh food, get off the couch, say no to fake food, and yes to real food, go to bed early, decline something. There are rules that are tough, but - on the individuality theme - we all find our own way to make them work for us. Some people work out early, others late, some while children sleep, others like Molly in the group ahead, with their family. Some people eat out, others at home, others make PCP boxed meals and eat them on the fly. We all have different MOs - it's SO interesting to read everyone's blogs.
I love the fact that I can choose so much of what I get to do, but also that the framework is a proven one. Moreover, it is working for me. I am losing fat, toning up, and feeling quietly stronger each day. This process has been mostly good days, but there is usually a bit of time in every day when I have to remind myself of the bigger picture. Today's low was around after lunch which was the time I'd set aside for muscle workouts. I really did not want to do it and I did want to eat the remaining rice from my bento. (Half the bento remained!) I was tired and that vinegary rice was tasty, dammit.
Point for the Valley Dwellers: We don't have to feel 'ra-ra-rah!' Just put one foot in front of the other.
Day 48 - Self reflection, spilled milk, training
Today was a 'busy' Sunday. The main 'anchor' was some training with Patrick with Jon and Paul from my group. Great session guys! That was at 4.30 in Yokohama and I'd fixed this before hearing about my capoeira group's plans to play capoeira under the cherry trees of Inokashira Park, chill outside, and have a picnic.
This tore me up frankly. I get a lot of motivation from both activities, but frankly, I'd rather have a whole afternoon in the park with my friends and people I want to make my friends. Who wouldn't? I'm sure the other guys would also have been doing other more 'Sunday'ish things. However, I'd been the one to encourage the other PCP-ers to train and I knew that was my priority.
Slept late, jumped rope, had breakfast, shopped for fruit...At midday I couldn't decide whether to go to the park or not. It was the kind of thing where the journey there was longer than the time there. I keep missing these capoeira social events especially as I don't eat with the group after class. So, I decided to go, show my face, enjoy the ride on the train and the trees. This meant that I had to pack a lunch, pre and post workout snack, and afternoon snack. Plus get my breakfast and morning snack in...I never thought I'd begrudge being busy eating. It worked out fine despite breaking a Japanese taboo by eating my lunch on the train!
There was a low though, just before I was setting out. I spilt some of the milk I'd prepped and suddenly I felt like I was trying to do too much. I sat down and thought about staying home until time to leave for the group workout. Then thought about the person I was trying to be. Someone who just moves through things evenly. Who shows up and has a go. But mainly who doesn't make the decision to stay home on the basis of feeling pissed off about some milk being spilt and feeling useless.
At the time, there are so many things that seem to have a 'hold' or weigh you down. If you live alone, I think the tendency to dwell and ruminate is exacerbated. I'm trying to be a lighter person, not just physically, but mentally.
Both events today were rewarding in their different ways. The capoeira, albeit short, gave me a chance to practice a move from Thursday and play capoeira with a seven year old. I'm getting better at playing with kids in the more mixed rodas of adults and children. Is this a sign of levity? I hope so.
Patrick gave up his Sunday afternoon to remind us not to spend an age on our workout. I'll never be as fast as when I train with him, but it is a good push. To do our best, work hard, and get it done.
Get it done, be lighter.
Barbara Stanwyck (193), a photo by uf28 on Flickr.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Day 45 - In celebration of the group ahead.
Today, the group ahead complete their PCP, challenging themselves to give their all to those tough final sets. They will be hugely missed. I got so much inspiration and support from them, especially Chris, Molly, and Richard. Guys, enjoy your Mullers and pizza and fizz!
Why did I choose this song? Apart from it being cool and chill and sexy? Because it feels like it's about something just about to start. For PCP-ers just completing with their new rocking bodies, I wonder what that will be.
Get it on.
Why did I choose this song? Apart from it being cool and chill and sexy? Because it feels like it's about something just about to start. For PCP-ers just completing with their new rocking bodies, I wonder what that will be.
Get it on.
Day 44 - The roof of my gym
Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers, but the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms.
Ikkyu Sojun
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 44 - Reveille
It's 5.50 am as I write this and I have been up for about 20 minutes. I'm not tired and I woke naturally. I didn't even sleep super early last night!
In the past the only time I would wake up naturally this early would be if I had a really important MUST NOT MISS type appointment like a flight to the UK or a work assignment. And I wouldn't be feeling refreshed like I do now.
I feel a bit lame saying this when there are people who regularly get up at this time or have been doing so since Day 1, but it is huge for me.
Last night's workout was interesting and I did give it my all.
Some things felt really easier, like the lunges and others that had been relatively smooth, like the jumps were weak. Press ups failed earlier than usual. I was quivering like anything on the final planks!
I've decided to invest in a pair of workout gloves rather than the one hundred yen pair I'm currently using.
If you know of a good pair, give us a shout!
In the past the only time I would wake up naturally this early would be if I had a really important MUST NOT MISS type appointment like a flight to the UK or a work assignment. And I wouldn't be feeling refreshed like I do now.
I feel a bit lame saying this when there are people who regularly get up at this time or have been doing so since Day 1, but it is huge for me.
Last night's workout was interesting and I did give it my all.
Some things felt really easier, like the lunges and others that had been relatively smooth, like the jumps were weak. Press ups failed earlier than usual. I was quivering like anything on the final planks!
I've decided to invest in a pair of workout gloves rather than the one hundred yen pair I'm currently using.
If you know of a good pair, give us a shout!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 43 - Jumps under full sakura
First set of timed jumps. I think I was way slower than when I had the target number. But it was lovely being under the sakura. Today I plan to give my all to my muscle workout tonight. I want to make every rep count and to do them with great form. It's going to be this evening and I'll let you all know how it goes.
Something to keep my mind off the aftershocks.
Day 43 - Listen. Put on morning.
Listen. Put on morning.
Waken into falling light.
A man's imagining
Suddenly may inherit
The handclapping centuries
Of his one minute on earth.
W.S. Graham
Day 42 - Another one down
That was the week that was...Week 6. I don't feel that I really pushed myself with the exercises as they were pushing me. I've had some real highs with feeling strong and powerful. And tired too, especially at the weekend. I'm determined to jump early tomorrow.
I think the main places I can get stronger with all this is being more on top of the diet in terms of prepping even more at home so I don't eat the salty fish that is delicious, but not strictly PCP. I also want to have a stronger week with my form, posture, and really making every exercise count. Compared to a couple of weeks back when I felt searing tiredness and soreness in my shoulders and legs, this week has been easier.
Today when I got home and got changed I saw a real change around my middle. Like I am starting to have a middle!
Gambatte minnasan!
I think the main places I can get stronger with all this is being more on top of the diet in terms of prepping even more at home so I don't eat the salty fish that is delicious, but not strictly PCP. I also want to have a stronger week with my form, posture, and really making every exercise count. Compared to a couple of weeks back when I felt searing tiredness and soreness in my shoulders and legs, this week has been easier.
Today when I got home and got changed I saw a real change around my middle. Like I am starting to have a middle!
Gambatte minnasan!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Day 42 - Is Barbara Stanwyck doing a Tadasana?
Day 41 - PCP curry.
I'm all for Zen and 'ma' and white space and all that, but surely they could have arranged this a little more intelligently! It's screaming 'Look Mum, No Nan Bread!' I went to this curry house in Kawasaki 30 minutes before meeting Japanese grandma and told them what I'd like by the gram. I wanted to get tandoori chicken, but I'm trying to do my PCP with fish as my main protein source, so I asked for tandoori prawn. This was very dry and I'm sure it was not 120 g. so I bought 20 g. of dried fish from a station platform afterwards. Not good.
Going back to this culinary extravaganza, the red dish is vegetable curry and was rather uninspiring. Usually I'd get a two-curry set with nan, rice, and salad. I'd usually pay 950 yen. For this, I paid 1, 500 yen because of the tandoori prawns. Meh. All this grousing is wholly unimportant compared to the pleasure of spending time with my delightful Japanese grandmother, Yoko. I missed meeting her for a month. The world is a better place after seeing her.
After I got back to my part of Tokyo, I went to Toshimaen for a bit and had this...squid and salad. It came to 1,200 yen which is more reasonable than the curry, but in truth, I'd paid someone to chop and arrange some vegetables and then grill some squid. If I did this at home, I'd have arranged the squid properly. It tasted good though, ordered sans salt, sans mayo, salad with vinegar.
I don't mind paying to eat this when I can look at a huge pink sakura lit up against the night sky.
Did I mention that I did all my WO before breakfast? I think I'm over that throat thing now. Maybe I have a stronger immune system already.
Let's finish Week 6 in style with some sexy jumps tomorrow. Go TEAM IO!
early rising,
eating out,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Day 40 - Holding it off
After a jubilant week of feeling big and strong, I'm now holding a sore throat at bay. I had a four-hour class today and had planned to go to the Sassy Girly dance class after that, but changed my mind when I started to notice slight shivery-ness and sore throat. This is very normal for me to a) get sick at the weekend b) feel it in my throat.
Good stuff was jumping before breakfast. I wasn't as coordinated as I'd have liked to be, but it was a bit windy and hey, I hadn't eaten anything.
I am calling this weekend, my 'Screw the Duvet' weekend. Namely, I'm going to try to keep as much as possible to a regular week schedule and just crash out earlier if I need to. I missed a bit of sleep Thursday and Friday hence feeling under the weather today. I hope I can do jumps before breakfast tomorrow.
A bit worried about eating out again tomorrow. This is a meal that is usually a two-weekly thing with a delightful lady called Yoko, AKA my Japanese grandmother. It hasn't happened because of the earthquake, so it's going to be special. In fact, it was Week 1, as I was eating half sushi portions. I'm going to have a look online to see if there are some better options than our usual places.
I'd like to take my scales in, but the ones I have at home are just too 'down home' looking to feel okay about in a restaurant!
Such are the challenges of trying to be PCP compliant and sociable. I'm in awe of people who regularly eat out and with clients!
Good stuff was jumping before breakfast. I wasn't as coordinated as I'd have liked to be, but it was a bit windy and hey, I hadn't eaten anything.
I am calling this weekend, my 'Screw the Duvet' weekend. Namely, I'm going to try to keep as much as possible to a regular week schedule and just crash out earlier if I need to. I missed a bit of sleep Thursday and Friday hence feeling under the weather today. I hope I can do jumps before breakfast tomorrow.
A bit worried about eating out again tomorrow. This is a meal that is usually a two-weekly thing with a delightful lady called Yoko, AKA my Japanese grandmother. It hasn't happened because of the earthquake, so it's going to be special. In fact, it was Week 1, as I was eating half sushi portions. I'm going to have a look online to see if there are some better options than our usual places.
I'd like to take my scales in, but the ones I have at home are just too 'down home' looking to feel okay about in a restaurant!
Such are the challenges of trying to be PCP compliant and sociable. I'm in awe of people who regularly eat out and with clients!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Day 39 - Second PCP meal 'out'
Feeling a bit lost as I tried my second PCP meal out. The first, at Toshimaen onsen, was really good and they weighed everything for me. The second, at my local mom'n'pop sushi place, was less successful. They don't have scales they told me, so they advised me to just eyeball it. The 'mom' started looking at pictures of fish to find a 'low-calorie' one, but I told her sadly that weighing was everything. So had a mixture of squid, tuna, mackerel sashimi with shredded daikon (surprisingly heavy veg. as it has so much water), small amount of pickled cabbage and two pieces of tofu. (I know, I know).
I estimated the fish to be around 70 of my 100 allowance. This was a mixture of eyeballing and how my stomach felt. Not great. Then went straight out into the shotengai, and got 3 sticks of yakitoria (shitake/chicken, onion/chicken, straight chicken). The amount of meat was pretty small, and I was still feeling like this didn't match what I 'should' be having. So I asked for one more, got one as 'service', and obviously ate both.
Sometimes I wish I WAS on the banana/apple/egg thing in the evenings - no pesky weighing or guilting. (Is that a verb? It is now).
Moral of the story is...if you think that it's not worked out in a restaurant or other culinary establishment, then quit while you're behind. Put down the chopsticks, walk into a place that sells produce, buy it quickly, take it home and weigh a conservative guess on what you missed. This IS why I tend to cook more at home. Hey ho.
In other fails, I misjudged my fruit (don't ask how, it's my special secret) and forgot how many pullups I needed to do when I got to my 'bar' in the playground, so I did 40 in 4 sets. Now I check, I see that I was right, huzzah!
Today's highlight was a set of scarily fast jumps just after noon. Done in a wraparound dress under the sakura surrounded by salarymen and kids on their lunch break.
I estimated the fish to be around 70 of my 100 allowance. This was a mixture of eyeballing and how my stomach felt. Not great. Then went straight out into the shotengai, and got 3 sticks of yakitoria (shitake/chicken, onion/chicken, straight chicken). The amount of meat was pretty small, and I was still feeling like this didn't match what I 'should' be having. So I asked for one more, got one as 'service', and obviously ate both.
Sometimes I wish I WAS on the banana/apple/egg thing in the evenings - no pesky weighing or guilting. (Is that a verb? It is now).
Moral of the story is...if you think that it's not worked out in a restaurant or other culinary establishment, then quit while you're behind. Put down the chopsticks, walk into a place that sells produce, buy it quickly, take it home and weigh a conservative guess on what you missed. This IS why I tend to cook more at home. Hey ho.
In other fails, I misjudged my fruit (don't ask how, it's my special secret) and forgot how many pullups I needed to do when I got to my 'bar' in the playground, so I did 40 in 4 sets. Now I check, I see that I was right, huzzah!
Today's highlight was a set of scarily fast jumps just after noon. Done in a wraparound dress under the sakura surrounded by salarymen and kids on their lunch break.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Day 38 - I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Today's been a great day so far, so I thought I'd 'use up' this amazing quote I've had in mind for a blog post.
I woke up naturally today! At 5.55 to be exact. Felt suprised and for a change did not roll over but decided to roll out of bed. Jumps were done on my doorstep and I moved through the WO at a steady pace. I do look like an old geezer with the piston squats, but that's going to change. And the cycling was fine at first, but I was close to failure on the third set. In fact, I seem to be close to failure in a few of my third sets.
Another recording session at the NHK studio, this time for a lighter show (Radio Japan Focus). I got there earlier than expected, had more time to rehearse on my own, and felt the benefits of better breathing.
BREATH! It's something I have to think alot about during workouts but then I stop caring afterwards. I'm trying to be more aware of it. When it's good, everything is good.
Came back to my office in time for our annual hanami party. Got a compliment on my dinner (everything in one tupperware tub) and it was really nice to have tasty food that I had control over. I was satisfied, but not stuffed, and in fact the handstand and bridge were AFTER lunch! This would not happen with a shop bought bento!
Most of today, not just during exercise, but during rising, moving around, walking through stations, doing my radio announcement, I've felt awesome power in my body. Long may this continue!
I woke up naturally today! At 5.55 to be exact. Felt suprised and for a change did not roll over but decided to roll out of bed. Jumps were done on my doorstep and I moved through the WO at a steady pace. I do look like an old geezer with the piston squats, but that's going to change. And the cycling was fine at first, but I was close to failure on the third set. In fact, I seem to be close to failure in a few of my third sets.
Another recording session at the NHK studio, this time for a lighter show (Radio Japan Focus). I got there earlier than expected, had more time to rehearse on my own, and felt the benefits of better breathing.
BREATH! It's something I have to think alot about during workouts but then I stop caring afterwards. I'm trying to be more aware of it. When it's good, everything is good.
Came back to my office in time for our annual hanami party. Got a compliment on my dinner (everything in one tupperware tub) and it was really nice to have tasty food that I had control over. I was satisfied, but not stuffed, and in fact the handstand and bridge were AFTER lunch! This would not happen with a shop bought bento!
Most of today, not just during exercise, but during rising, moving around, walking through stations, doing my radio announcement, I've felt awesome power in my body. Long may this continue!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 37 - The REAL workout is in the kitchen
This is a quickie as I should be in bed!
Prepared a lot of food this evening as tomorrow night is capoeira, plus time in the studio and the office. Tomorrow night is a late class - so time for cooking will be cut short. I find myself fighting the tendency to 'store' bits of food for interesting but as yet unknown combinations in the future. It's better just to chop/steam everything! Kitchen and fridge space is working out better as I'm spending more time on this.
Whoever said 'the real workout is in the kitchen' was dead right!
Morning exercise seems a looong time ago now, but I'm playing around with the bands and feeling where the burn is better these days. Jumping was this evening and I had a few bursts of levitation-like jumping where you don't hear the rope on the floor. Just a whizz and a hum.
In other news, I read the news on NHK radio for the first time today. It'll just be once a fortnight, but it's live, and I'm going to need good breath control. I'm excited to have PCP-ing and something in my career come together so well.
Prepared a lot of food this evening as tomorrow night is capoeira, plus time in the studio and the office. Tomorrow night is a late class - so time for cooking will be cut short. I find myself fighting the tendency to 'store' bits of food for interesting but as yet unknown combinations in the future. It's better just to chop/steam everything! Kitchen and fridge space is working out better as I'm spending more time on this.
Whoever said 'the real workout is in the kitchen' was dead right!
Morning exercise seems a looong time ago now, but I'm playing around with the bands and feeling where the burn is better these days. Jumping was this evening and I had a few bursts of levitation-like jumping where you don't hear the rope on the floor. Just a whizz and a hum.
In other news, I read the news on NHK radio for the first time today. It'll just be once a fortnight, but it's live, and I'm going to need good breath control. I'm excited to have PCP-ing and something in my career come together so well.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Day 36 - Sleep, mind, exercise
I've been going on recently about how important it is to get enough sleep! I know I have it easier than many PCP-ers who have families and more demanding jobs, but the video is produced by a mother of two young girls and she's learnt how to say 'NO' to the email, the tv, the books, the 'one more thing', and just switch off the light.
Deep, heavy, knocked-out sleep yesterday! Oh yes! Then a really satisfying pre-brekkie workout under the sakura this morning. I still need to push myself with the floor jumps, and the piston squats were on pathetic jelly-legs after jumping. Failed after the third set of pull-ups. I'm going to do PU again tonight on my way home in a different 'free gym' AKA kids playground and play around with the form of the squats in my room tonight. A little bit of advance planning will save me time consulting the computer screen!
Saying 'Do it badly' is a way for me to get past the feeling of 'I'm so useless'. It's better to fail on the first attempt, than to never try. I think I failed this morning as I really went for it with the swing of the PU. With skipping, I found the form easier when I tried to go fast (less mind interference) and then my lack of cardiovascular strength let me down.
As we all get fitter, I think mastering new exercises will be different. Still hard, but more control and body intelligence. Have you noticed any patterns with your training yet? Do you go after speed or form or just get through them?
Have a great Day 36 gang!
Deep, heavy, knocked-out sleep yesterday! Oh yes! Then a really satisfying pre-brekkie workout under the sakura this morning. I still need to push myself with the floor jumps, and the piston squats were on pathetic jelly-legs after jumping. Failed after the third set of pull-ups. I'm going to do PU again tonight on my way home in a different 'free gym' AKA kids playground and play around with the form of the squats in my room tonight. A little bit of advance planning will save me time consulting the computer screen!
Saying 'Do it badly' is a way for me to get past the feeling of 'I'm so useless'. It's better to fail on the first attempt, than to never try. I think I failed this morning as I really went for it with the swing of the PU. With skipping, I found the form easier when I tried to go fast (less mind interference) and then my lack of cardiovascular strength let me down.
As we all get fitter, I think mastering new exercises will be different. Still hard, but more control and body intelligence. Have you noticed any patterns with your training yet? Do you go after speed or form or just get through them?
Have a great Day 36 gang!
Day 35 (4.4) - Feta Fetish
I had cheese for the first time all project... Just a little feta,
creamy speckles in a Greek salad. Picked them out with chopsticks and
arranged them in a (ahem) scattered formation on my brown rice bread.
It was pretty lovely especially when I toasted them. I don't know what
will happen with the new diet plan tomorrow, so I really savoured two
whole slices. Did well to use only a teaspoon of dressing,
less well to eat the clusters of cranberries in the salad. Can't
believe this is the person who ate 12 dried figs in one go a year ago.
It's odd that I both want and don't want to be someone who is happy
with less.
In other news, I repeated the 300 jumps from yesterday and other runs
were about 250, a couple of clear 150s. Muscles and nervous system,
plus breathe came together under the sakura today. For this, I have to
thank my friend, sleep. Going to bed when I still have a bit buzzing
in my head is so boring at the time - I used to want to read or
whatever for ages until I was struggling to stay awake. Now I assume
sleep isn't far off.
Good sleep is vital not just for our physical training but for a clear
mind, imagination, and confidence. All things for we want at our peak.
To a strong Week 6!
creamy speckles in a Greek salad. Picked them out with chopsticks and
arranged them in a (ahem) scattered formation on my brown rice bread.
It was pretty lovely especially when I toasted them. I don't know what
will happen with the new diet plan tomorrow, so I really savoured two
whole slices. Did well to use only a teaspoon of dressing,
less well to eat the clusters of cranberries in the salad. Can't
believe this is the person who ate 12 dried figs in one go a year ago.
It's odd that I both want and don't want to be someone who is happy
with less.
In other news, I repeated the 300 jumps from yesterday and other runs
were about 250, a couple of clear 150s. Muscles and nervous system,
plus breathe came together under the sakura today. For this, I have to
thank my friend, sleep. Going to bed when I still have a bit buzzing
in my head is so boring at the time - I used to want to read or
whatever for ages until I was struggling to stay awake. Now I assume
sleep isn't far off.
Good sleep is vital not just for our physical training but for a clear
mind, imagination, and confidence. All things for we want at our peak.
To a strong Week 6!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Day 34 - Be a User
I've been tired a lot this weekend. The achy muscles ache less thanks to some rest yesterday, and I got on a high this morning when I ploughed through a tidy 300 in a row. That was some fun. If I'd posted earlier, this would be a peppy one. Went to capoeira in the evening - a different group's class - and to be honest, had a lot of trouble processing it all. Body felt frustrated at having to go slow to master moves and I spent a lot of time in my head during that class, rather than letting my body move.
It feels like I used up not just all my physical strength before 8.30 this morning, but some of my brain power too! I'm looking forward to feeling like my body and mind being more in synch. I guess that this is part of the journey - a stronger body having different cues.
Recent inspiring thought that keeps going round my head is from Patrick's email a few days back - "Send your body the message that it is a energy burner, not a fat storer" (paraphrasing here).
Use it up; let it go already.
It feels like I used up not just all my physical strength before 8.30 this morning, but some of my brain power too! I'm looking forward to feeling like my body and mind being more in synch. I guess that this is part of the journey - a stronger body having different cues.
Recent inspiring thought that keeps going round my head is from Patrick's email a few days back - "Send your body the message that it is a energy burner, not a fat storer" (paraphrasing here).
Use it up; let it go already.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Day 33 - Sass and sleep
Went to an onsen this afternoon and ended up SLEEPING for at least an
hour. I usually enjoy the waters, change into the onsen issue PJs and
eat or chill with a book. Today I headed straight for the darkened
sleeping room which is a bit Orwellian really - lots of recliners,
ornamental fossils lit up with pinks lights, canned birdsong, and the
sound of about fifty people sleeping. My leg muscles and shoulder
muscles really felt better after a rest. I did feel a bit middle-aged
Felt amused and angered in the changing room was a video ad for an
exercise machine. One that moves your body so you get 'toned' without
breaking a sweat. 'It's just like running!' 'So easy!' shrieked the
voice while a woman beams at the camera. This is backassbackwards and
plays on peoples' fear and laziness. I'm glad I have a routine now,
even if it's hurting.
The capoeira class didn't happen but the sassy girl class was full on
two hours. Again struck by difference between my reps - numbered,
uniform, tending to fail towards the end and the musicality,
contrasts, and cleaner execution of dancing.
hour. I usually enjoy the waters, change into the onsen issue PJs and
eat or chill with a book. Today I headed straight for the darkened
sleeping room which is a bit Orwellian really - lots of recliners,
ornamental fossils lit up with pinks lights, canned birdsong, and the
sound of about fifty people sleeping. My leg muscles and shoulder
muscles really felt better after a rest. I did feel a bit middle-aged
Felt amused and angered in the changing room was a video ad for an
exercise machine. One that moves your body so you get 'toned' without
breaking a sweat. 'It's just like running!' 'So easy!' shrieked the
voice while a woman beams at the camera. This is backassbackwards and
plays on peoples' fear and laziness. I'm glad I have a routine now,
even if it's hurting.
The capoeira class didn't happen but the sassy girl class was full on
two hours. Again struck by difference between my reps - numbered,
uniform, tending to fail towards the end and the musicality,
contrasts, and cleaner execution of dancing.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Day 32 - Natural disaster in my kitchen
Yesterday I had a moment of supreme unmindfullness, turning away from a wok of fish/egg/veggies to set the table. I can do this with my small heavy egg pan, but not with my wok. Actually, I shouldn't be turning my back on any food on fire at all...! Smoke alarm kicked in KAJIDESU KAJIDESU! and I flicked everything off, opened windows. I'm glad to know it works, embarrassed that I tried to do too much.
The breakfast was okay in case you are wondering! A kind of PCP kedgeree.
Work out was really good. Heard Patrick's voice in my head and kept it moving.
Today I'm going to swap out a jump rope session as I've got two fitness classes. One is capoeira and the other is called Sassy Girl, which is aimed at beginners and involving a workout with modelling - ties/chairs/other props. I'm dead excited! I'm anticipating the Sassy Girl class won't be that aerobic, so I may have to do a bit of jumping too. We'll see how it goes.
Last night I saw The Fighter - totally inspiring - then biked home and was asleep by 10.30 on a Friday. Is this a good sign? I'm glad I get to go to Roppongi tonight. Feeling a bit hermit-y recently.
The breakfast was okay in case you are wondering! A kind of PCP kedgeree.
Work out was really good. Heard Patrick's voice in my head and kept it moving.
Today I'm going to swap out a jump rope session as I've got two fitness classes. One is capoeira and the other is called Sassy Girl, which is aimed at beginners and involving a workout with modelling - ties/chairs/other props. I'm dead excited! I'm anticipating the Sassy Girl class won't be that aerobic, so I may have to do a bit of jumping too. We'll see how it goes.
Last night I saw The Fighter - totally inspiring - then biked home and was asleep by 10.30 on a Friday. Is this a good sign? I'm glad I get to go to Roppongi tonight. Feeling a bit hermit-y recently.
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